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Hair loss cure - the new science and treatment?


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  • Regular Member

Hi all,


I want to share some information with you all that could spell the end of male pattern baldness. I've been aware of a receding hairline ever since I was aged around 20. One thing I always noticed is that the areas that were receding were accompanied by psoriasis-type inflammation. The psoriasis only occurred around my temples, and it was only these areas that were affected by hair-loss/thinning. I have also been afflicted by various other symptoms over the years, including insomnia etc and I now have full-blown chronic fatigue syndrome. I started a treatment program called the Marshall Protocol (MP) that uses a combination of drugs including antibiotics because it is now known that CFS is caused by what are called cell-wall-deficient bacteria - bacteria that shed their cells and then inhabit our human cells. It has also been found that the Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) in humans is responsible for transcribing thousands of genes, and is also intimately tied to our innate immune system. Psoriasis is also caused by these same bacteria, and it can be completely cured with the MP, along with many other diseases previously thought to be genetic and incurable (multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arhtritis, diabetes, crohn's disease, lyme disease, etc). So, the science of the MP could unlock the mystery of male pattern baldness once and for all, and provide a curative treatment rather than a preventative treatment that we have now.


The science is early days yet and not designed to treat hair-loss, but the Marshall Protocol has a public study site (marshallprotocol.com) where you can read about the science and members' experiences throughout treatment. Many say that their hair loss has stopped and reversed, including several with male pattern baldness and who had completely lost their hair. One guy feels he will have a full head of hair again in a few years time.


Here is a peer-reviewed article that ties the VDR to hair loss: http://mend.endojournals.org/c...tract/me.2004-0415v1


This article explains the link between psoriasis and hair loss: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pu...206513?dopt=Abstract


This is the link from the Marshall Protocol website discussing hair-loss (you can read people's experiences towards the bottom): http://www.marshallprotocol.co...?id=7708&forum_id=32


If your hairloss is accompanied by psoriasis, or you suffer from any other symptoms that your doctor has not been able to help you with (could even be as minor as stuffy sinuses, itchy skin, insomnia, anxiety etc), and especially if you suffer from a chronic illness, the MP may assist you with your hair loss. I haven't noticed anything yet because I had controlled my hair loss with dutasteride, but in the future, once i'm well, I will try coming off dutas and see how it goes. However, even if you suffer from pure hair loss and otherwise feel fine, you might be willing to try the MP to see if it is indeed a cure for male pattern baldness. There are doctors all over the world prescribing it and you can ask for a list of doctors near you on the MP website, but you may have trouble convincing one to prescribe it purely for male pattern baldness. But it is safe and there are doctors willing to try it with all conditions.


These are exciting times we live in!!

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  • Regular Member

Hi all,


I want to share some information with you all that could spell the end of male pattern baldness. I've been aware of a receding hairline ever since I was aged around 20. One thing I always noticed is that the areas that were receding were accompanied by psoriasis-type inflammation. The psoriasis only occurred around my temples, and it was only these areas that were affected by hair-loss/thinning. I have also been afflicted by various other symptoms over the years, including insomnia etc and I now have full-blown chronic fatigue syndrome. I started a treatment program called the Marshall Protocol (MP) that uses a combination of drugs including antibiotics because it is now known that CFS is caused by what are called cell-wall-deficient bacteria - bacteria that shed their cells and then inhabit our human cells. It has also been found that the Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) in humans is responsible for transcribing thousands of genes, and is also intimately tied to our innate immune system. Psoriasis is also caused by these same bacteria, and it can be completely cured with the MP, along with many other diseases previously thought to be genetic and incurable (multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arhtritis, diabetes, crohn's disease, lyme disease, etc). So, the science of the MP could unlock the mystery of male pattern baldness once and for all, and provide a curative treatment rather than a preventative treatment that we have now.


The science is early days yet and not designed to treat hair-loss, but the Marshall Protocol has a public study site (marshallprotocol.com) where you can read about the science and members' experiences throughout treatment. Many say that their hair loss has stopped and reversed, including several with male pattern baldness and who had completely lost their hair. One guy feels he will have a full head of hair again in a few years time.


Here is a peer-reviewed article that ties the VDR to hair loss: http://mend.endojournals.org/c...tract/me.2004-0415v1


This article explains the link between psoriasis and hair loss: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pu...206513?dopt=Abstract


This is the link from the Marshall Protocol website discussing hair-loss (you can read people's experiences towards the bottom): http://www.marshallprotocol.co...?id=7708&forum_id=32


If your hairloss is accompanied by psoriasis, or you suffer from any other symptoms that your doctor has not been able to help you with (could even be as minor as stuffy sinuses, itchy skin, insomnia, anxiety etc), and especially if you suffer from a chronic illness, the MP may assist you with your hair loss. I haven't noticed anything yet because I had controlled my hair loss with dutasteride, but in the future, once i'm well, I will try coming off dutas and see how it goes. However, even if you suffer from pure hair loss and otherwise feel fine, you might be willing to try the MP to see if it is indeed a cure for male pattern baldness. There are doctors all over the world prescribing it and you can ask for a list of doctors near you on the MP website, but you may have trouble convincing one to prescribe it purely for male pattern baldness. But it is safe and there are doctors willing to try it with all conditions.


These are exciting times we live in!!

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