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Dr Bernardino Arocha in Houston is Awesome


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I researched hair transplants since I am an extreme case of patent male baldness. I went for a free consult with Dr Arocha, and was given realistic, and honest information regarding my case. In my case, I require two transplants to attain the level of success that I require. On 5January 2010, I arrived early, was prepared and numbed up, and Dr Arocha performed surgery removing the right amount of hair and skin from a strip on the back of my head. He closed up the wound, and then used a small took and put over 2500 small slits on my head as he planned to do during our preliminary.


I metabolize pain meds amazingly fast, but in spite of this, we got the surgery accomplished to a very satisfactory degree. I went back to his office and had my hair washed for the first time and felt much better. Today is 10Feb2010, and I have pictures he gave me when I asked so you can see how it came out so far. Apparently the pictures exceed the limit so I will just describe what happened.


Dr Arocha is an artist, and he has two assistants that actually plant the hair seeds. I had my choice of music to listen to, and surgery takes an average of 8 hours to accomplish. It took about 3 days for my scar to heal, and I get the stitches out at 7 days. I have a four month followup, and will probably have my second surgery on my birthday in August if that is not too soon. After 5 days, I can wash my hair carefully, and the redness is abating and any swelling is abating. I can feel the hair starting to grow, and the little hairs that are dried out will fall off as the new hair emerges. In 3 to 4 months, I will have hair everywhere except my crown.


I would go with no other surgeon, than Dr Arocha. Having someone as highly recommended as him as my doctor, carried a lot of weight with me. His manner of honesty and care for my wishes, and his obvious competence and success rate carried the day for me. I experienced no fear, and very little pain with anything that we have done. I scrupulously follow the post operation procedures he provided as I did with the pre-operation procedures. At 5 days after surgery some areas are still tender, but it is all manageable.


I would strongly recommend any male or female hair candidates to consult with Dr Arocha. He guarantees his results, and does not blow smoke. As in anything quality, you pay for what you get, and they do not stint at all in any way once you consult with them. He took my veteran status into account, which I felt honored for my service, and worked with me for the cost of the operation. I am healing from the first operation, and can hardly wait for the second and final one 6 to 12 months later.


Had I to choose again fresh, I would have made the same choice to go with Dr Arocha. I am under no benefit to post for this, and just wanted to get the word out that this Doctor has my best interests at heart, and does everything right. I have no doubt that I changed my life for the better.


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In my opinion, Coalition physician Dr. Arocha is doing outstanding work and ranks among the best in the world. I'm pleased that you had an excellent experience. I encourage you to create a free patient website to share your experience and photos. You can then link it to your forum signature for everyone to see. For instructions on creating your very own website and adding a link to your forum signature, click here.


Best wishes,



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stealth, I am right there with you. Had the pleasure of being Arocha-ized two days ago and looking great right now. Going to upload pics as soon as I can lower their size in photoshop. My recovery is looking great right now.


When you say scar was healed in 3 days what do you mean by that?


I was equally fast-metabolizing with the localized pain med and that was problematic because they kept having to redo the injections for that, which was the only hangup and mainly because of my physiology not their technique.


They did such a great job, let's compare results when they come in!

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Hey my Brother,


I talked to Doc today when they removed my stitches. I am looking forward to taking you out for a beer sometime when I am up in Dallas Area or when you are down here in Houston Area. You took your surgery a lot further than I did, and I am very happy for you. I will get my second and final surgery in August. By Christmas, then we can compare before and after when I get done with that my plans are. lol The beer is my treat when we meet someday.


Brad in Houston

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Thanks Bill! Having trouble updating with more pics and also making my profile much like all the others with pic links all in the left margin. Hardly computer illiterate, just can't seem how to do it and I would like to show all of you what I feel is very promising immediate results. Just one graft fell out first night and nothing since and today was 3 days after the op. I went out tonight with a hat to cover the scar but the front looks all different since the new recipient is not much shorter than the native with my typically shaved head. Lets see what propecia can do for the crown! When do you think I should start Minox again? TOo early with new work done or will it help retain transplants? How about next haircut to buzz it all a bit and even it all out? I hear 2 weeks minimum.

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If you need any specific help with your patient website, feel free to send me a PM and I'll see what I can do to help you. Please also report any error messages you may be getting so I can report them to our webmaster if there's a problem.


Regarding restarting minoxidil, I'd personally wait at least 2 weeks.


All the Best,



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