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I have had 2500 graft HT and havnt started using propecia yet.. My wife and i are trying for a baby and my surgeon reconmended me not to use it whilst trying. Will it affect us in anyway if i started taking Propecia now?

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In a 5-year study of men with mild to moderate hair loss, 48% of those treated with Propecia (finasteride 1 mg) experienced some regrowth of hair, and a further 42% had no further loss. Average hair count in the treatment group remained above baseline, and showed an increasing difference from hair count in the placebo group, for all five years of the study.[4] Propecia is effective only for as long as it is taken; the hair gained or maintained is lost within 6??“12 months of ceasing therapy.[5] In clinical studies, Propecia, like minoxidil, was shown to work on both the crown area and the hairline,[6] but is most successful in the crown area.

Some users, in an effort to save money, buy Proscar instead of Propecia, and split the Proscar pills to approximate the Propecia dosage. Doing so is considered unadvisable if women of pregnancy age are in the household; this is because finasteride, even in small concentrations, can cause birth defects in a developing male fetus. The birth defects involve the development of male genitalia (no such effects have been noted in developing female fetuses). On most product inserts, it will be mentioned that the dust or crumbs from broken Proscar tablets should be kept away from pregnant women.

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