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hair styling and hair loss

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I used to work with a girl who had her hair dyed a new color almost every week. I did notice she had a bit of thinning hair and she even pointed it out to me one time in discussion with her. As a result of some hair loss, she stopped coloring her hair for awhile and her hair grew back as thick as it was prior. Frankly, I think it would take a whole lot to lose hair permanently from hair coloring. However, it can dry out and damage your hair, be careful with how frequent you color your hair and with what kinds of hair dyes you use.


Though hairstyling won't cause hair loss, know that excessive pulling and tugging on the hair can lead to traction alopecia, a type of hair loss where damaged hair roots can occur from pulling. Traction alopecia hairline recession often occurs in women who wear tight headbands or ponytails. This type of hair loss is typically reversible however, if scarring occurs, this can be a sign of permanent damage.


Best wishes,



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