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Tough decision for me to make...


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First of all...I love this site. I've been lurking around here for a couple of years now. I get excited when I see the great results people get from a HT and the confidence that it gives them...I can only imagine the joy some of you guys are having with your new look...


Ok, here is the thing with me. Basically I've been thinning/balding since my early 20s, I am 32 now. I've consulted with Dr. True...He recommended about 2000 grafts fut...My thing is the scar that fut method leaves scares me. I would rather do fue but it's too expensive and the results can be unpredictable.


My hair loss has bothered me for such a long time. I want to do something about it but am very hesitant/scared to get the HT. I'm getting sick of worrying about this, one minute I want to get this done, the next minute I start making up excuses why I shouldn't do it??¦ I don't know what to do; all I know is that I'm sick of wearing my hat all the time when I go out.


I am about a Norwood 4a slowly creeping up to a 5a. I've never used Rogaine or propecia. Would it be wise to start propecia, give it a few months and see how much hair I can get back before even considering a HT??¦? Also the scar that the FUT method leaves, does it bother any of you guys?


It really sucks when my father has more hair on his head than I do...oh well; I guess I should be happy for him. icon_frown.gif


Any comments, advice, suggestions would really be appreciated...



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First of all...I love this site. I've been lurking around here for a couple of years now. I get excited when I see the great results people get from a HT and the confidence that it gives them...I can only imagine the joy some of you guys are having with your new look...


Ok, here is the thing with me. Basically I've been thinning/balding since my early 20s, I am 32 now. I've consulted with Dr. True...He recommended about 2000 grafts fut...My thing is the scar that fut method leaves scares me. I would rather do fue but it's too expensive and the results can be unpredictable.


My hair loss has bothered me for such a long time. I want to do something about it but am very hesitant/scared to get the HT. I'm getting sick of worrying about this, one minute I want to get this done, the next minute I start making up excuses why I shouldn't do it??¦ I don't know what to do; all I know is that I'm sick of wearing my hat all the time when I go out.


I am about a Norwood 4a slowly creeping up to a 5a. I've never used Rogaine or propecia. Would it be wise to start propecia, give it a few months and see how much hair I can get back before even considering a HT??¦? Also the scar that the FUT method leaves, does it bother any of you guys?


It really sucks when my father has more hair on his head than I do...oh well; I guess I should be happy for him. icon_frown.gif


Any comments, advice, suggestions would really be appreciated...



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  • Senior Member

I feel your dilema. I almost did strip, but now I really want to do FUE, but like you want to see a higher volume of consistent results. You may want to have an online consultation with Dr. Bisanga. He does strip and also a lot of FUE. The pictures that they post on other forums seem very honest as far as lighting and the results are really impressive. I am hoping to see more patients post their experiences and pictures with him before I make a decision.

Anyhow, one thing they suggest is that if you only need 2000 grafts, you can start out with fue that is extracted in strategic locations and you still leave yourself open to a future strip procedure if you absolutely need more grafts down the road.

But...since you are heading toward NW5, you may want to go with strip first and then use fue only after you have been "stripped out". That way you can have the most possible donor grafts available to you.

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Thanks for your response nw4recession...


For me, It would be nice if I could still have the option to shave my head without having any evidence that I got something done. Unfortunately the FUT method leaves a small perfect scar behind that would be very noticeable on a shaved head??¦


Let's say I go with the FUT, is it possible that a later session using FUE method can be used to kind of cover up the scar, and make it less noticeable with a really short haircut? Has anyone here ever had an ht session adding hair to the scar via the FUE or BHT method? Is that even possible?

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  • Senior Member

I am with you on the indecision. Not to scare you but I have been considering a HT for over 10 years now and still have not decided (Hence the username "Can't Decide".


One of my biggest issue is the scarring as well. My dilemma is will the HT be dense enough to justify keeping my hair as long as it has to be to hide the scar. No surgeon has been able to tell me that.


My gut tells me that the appearance of the scar is not that bad in most cases. When you think about it, would you rather have a faint scar or a bald top, interesting when it's put that way? Especially when most people will have no clue what the scar is from.


The other major issue for me is future hairloss and esentially being a slave to the process. I want to be one and done but unfortunately, that is not the case most of the time.


Og course, the psot op is also a concern.


Somehow, knowing that a HT is always an option makes me feel better about my hairloss day to day.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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I can't decide anything in my life without pondering and contemplating it for ages, but it actually seems like at this point you have a no-brainer. You know the downsides of each option, so why not try the more "easy" methods before opting for the HT? This will make you feel a lot more confident in your decision - I think. You will know you tried everything before the big Hair Transplant Surgery (promotional link removed) decision.

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