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Dermmatch/Toppik accelerates hair loss?

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  • Regular Member

Been using these two products for about 3 years now and both do an awesome job with concealing my thin areas, however I notice that whenever I'm combing my hair at the end of the day, I might see a little "flake like particle" (the concealer) in my hair so I go to pull it out and unfortunately roughly 5-10 hairs come with it. Does this happen to anyone else? I was reading product reviews online the other night and a gentleman brought this issue up, so it was nice to hear that I wasn't alone. Thanks

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  • Regular Member

That would be a bit of DermMatch.


If you wash it all out with a good shampoo (Nizoral?) then you shouldn't have the problem and won't need to pull your hair out!


However if you tug gently on a hair and it falls out, it was probably going to go anyway.


As for either product actually causing hair loss, I don't believe they would, some people suggest it might but hair loss is a progressive condition so how can you tell? Certainly I don't think there's any evidence that they would.

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