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Progress on my exosomes mesotherapy at home (2 months) => something seems to be happening...


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I apologize but I am opening another new thread because the previous one was polluted... if this one resists attacks, I will not open others 🙂

(see previous thread at 1 month)


(You can go here to look at research I've done on Exosomes)


A few words about my story: my transplant and my drug treatments

Following my 6500 FUT hair transplant without shaving (which is equivalent in term of hairs to a 3000 FUE grafts - my choice fell on FUT because it is this type of graft that makes it possible to maximize the grafts and to have the most dense and solid grafts and especially the doctor could do it for me without shaving!) more than a year ago made by Paul Benet (see here the photos with the nickname EricLaurent - my special transplant account), I am interested in treatments to fight against the progression of my baldness.

As I still had some primitive losses following my transplant (a transplant does not stop alopecia from evolving!) , I started by taking 0.025% finasteride topically, 3 times a week (in addition to the 5% minoxidil that I have been taking for several decades). This allowed me to stop my fall but I had to stop the treatment due to the appearance of side effects: testicular pain, prostate pain, frequent urination...

So I then tested several drugs topically, including dutasteride based on a siliconized liposomal gel such as Xyon, which I bought at the Parati pharmacy (the constitution of Parati gel is the same as that of Xyon). Since this formulation was normally supposed to not penetrate the bloodstream but only into the follicles, I was quite confident... but unfortunately, again, I had side effects quite quickly and had to stop my treatment.

So I then started a topical treatment {Fluridil + CosmRNA} in June 2023, about 1 year after my transplant (8 months as of the day I am writing these lines) to fight against the action of DHT, and of course while still being on 5% topical minoxidil. This treatment stopped my hair loss and I no longer have any primitives that fall in the shower anymore!

It is extremely positive! In addition, It seems that since taking {CosmRNA + Fluridil} small hairs are starting to appear (see my post here and here and here) ... So now I hope to fortify them with ASCE+ HRLV exosomes from ExocoBio.

So I'm going into exosomes hoping to gain a bit more density. I no longer have hair that falls out and so it seems that my baldness has stabilized at the moment with my treatment.


Photos of progression under exosomes

== 4 injections (2 months progress) ==

I specify that I am trying to take photos under identical conditions but it is very difficult so I cannot certify the accuracy of the shots... in particular, I can't be sure that the hair is always wet the same way in every shot... but I try to make sure that is the case!


For the photos above, I have to leave my hair a bit wet otherwise you can't see through. So I take two types of photos:

  • Just after applying the exosomes: the hair is soaked by the product
  • The next day, after the shampoo: towel-dried hair but still wet


Top view, just after exosome treatment and the day of hair cut :





View from above, after the shampoo and towel-dried but still wet hair the next day :



Wait & see !

Edited by arthurSam

Minoxidil : 5% topical 1ml/day (with Melatonin, Fisetin, Resveratrol, NMN, Ginko, Nettle root, Caffein)
DHT and Follicular androgen receptor inhibitor : {Fluridil + CosmeRNA}
Exosome Mesotherapy 1mm (See here for explanations & results) : ASCE+ HRLV AAPE for Hair secretomes + human Umbilical Chord Exosomes

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  • arthurSam changed the title to Progress on my exosomes mesotherapy at home (2 months) => something seems to be happening...
  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)

Update at +3,5 months : No full head of hair but still on it 😅



I would like to take this opportunity to share with you two very interesting new videos dated from May 2023 on exosomes I recently discover if this subject interests you:

  • The first one (with a delicious French accent 🤣) talk about Extracellular vesicles (Exosomes) characterization and therapeutic potential ; very very interesting ! for example, they talk about the difference between stem cell and exosome treatments and the fact that the latter method is much safer... Talk also about Platelets...
  • The second one is some Q&A about exosomes, and they speak about exosomes for hairloss... and you will see that there is no propaganda on this subject, they are rather reserved about this type of treatment for the moment...

Extracellular vesicles characterization and therapeutic potential      Discussion and Q&A with the audience

Note: I specify that I do not know at all if exosomes work to fight against hair loss and have any interest... Personally I think that in certain cases it can be beneficial, in particular when the folicles are not dead , but I'm just reporting my experience !


My point of view : I think that the exosomes currently available to the general public are not yet necessarily "loaded" with specific genetic material (mi-RNA) to treat alopecia... they in fact contain a mixture of mi-RNAs including one some are beneficial and others less (see my web-site: https://suiviexo.000webhostapp.com/index-en.html ... even in exosome derivated from rose stem cell there are interessting mi-RNA wich are in stem cells from humans !)

In particular, exosomes derived from human stem cells are banned in my country and many other countries. This is the reason why we can only use exosomes from, for example, plants... but which still contain interesting genetic material for hair! 

The future is in exosome engineering: Researchers are able to "load" into exosomes specific genetic material. All that remains is to find interesting mi-RNAs to fight against alopecia (we already know a large number of them!) and make them accessible to the general public!

And of course, for the moment no scientific study has been carried out by FDA to validate the therapeutic benefits of exosomes as drugs... It will therefore still take many years to "eventually" see them arrive on the market ! At the moment, they are only available as cosmetics!

Edited by arthurSam

Minoxidil : 5% topical 1ml/day (with Melatonin, Fisetin, Resveratrol, NMN, Ginko, Nettle root, Caffein)
DHT and Follicular androgen receptor inhibitor : {Fluridil + CosmeRNA}
Exosome Mesotherapy 1mm (See here for explanations & results) : ASCE+ HRLV AAPE for Hair secretomes + human Umbilical Chord Exosomes

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)

Photos of progression under exosomes

== +18 weeks progress (4,5 months) ==


Top view, just after exosome treatment -the hair is soaked by the product :


View from above, after the shampoo and towel-dried but still wet hair the next day :


Edited by arthurSam

Minoxidil : 5% topical 1ml/day (with Melatonin, Fisetin, Resveratrol, NMN, Ginko, Nettle root, Caffein)
DHT and Follicular androgen receptor inhibitor : {Fluridil + CosmeRNA}
Exosome Mesotherapy 1mm (See here for explanations & results) : ASCE+ HRLV AAPE for Hair secretomes + human Umbilical Chord Exosomes

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  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member

Update at 24 weeks :

Top view, just after exosome treatment -the hair is soaked by the product :


View from above, after the shampoo and towel-dried but still wet hair the next day :

Updated May 2024: As mentioned in the previous text, the ASCE+ HRLV product is based on plant-derived exosomes (rose). After 20 weeks of treatment, it brought me a little benefit but nothing extraordinary... so I decided to change the product. I now move on to the following products that rely on human sources:

  • AAPE Hair (ABIO material): These are secretomes derived from human adipose tissue.
  • Exosomes for hair (Creative Biolab): These are exosomes from human umbilical cord.

For information, AAPEs are not ASC-EXOs (exosomes from adipose stem cells) but ASC-CMs (conditioned media from adipose stem cells), called secretomes.

ASC-CM is a complex cocktail of proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids released as soluble factors and/or transported in extracellular vesicles (EVs). The difference between secretome molecules lies mainly in the size of their particles. Microvesicles are larger, approximately 150–1000 μm, while exosomes are smaller, approximately 30–150 μm. Exosomes therefore penetrate the skin better.

Secretome and exosomes are sometimes used synonymously, but they are actually different.

The secretome is the collection of all messenger substances released to the outside, including microvesicles and exosomes, but also other important factors dissolved in the liquid. These include many growth factors that promote regeneration and so-called cytokines (cell-cell messengers).

Exosomes, on the other hand, are actually just particulate exosomes isolated from the whole thing. Isolation concentrates them, but important solutes and microvesicles are lost.

In my opinion, exosomes carry more microRNAs than secretomes because they are more filtered and can therefore stimulate, for example, the wnt/beta-catenin pathway which is very important for hair loss.

So I'm going to continue taking exosomes, but now also adding AAPE and making sure the sources are human and not plant-based. I take this combo because I think microRNAs are important in addition to the various proteins/growth factors.

You will find the list of microRNAs found in exosomes from adipose tissue and umbilical cord in this research paper: "Systemic proteomics and miRNA profile analysis of exosomes derived from human pluripotent stem cells". By comparing them with the list of microRNAs which have an impact on hair (see this research paper : "Perspectives on miRNAs Targeting DKK1 for Developing Hair Regeneration Therapy"), it seems that there are more of them than in the exosomes from rose... which is a good point !

Minoxidil : 5% topical 1ml/day (with Melatonin, Fisetin, Resveratrol, NMN, Ginko, Nettle root, Caffein)
DHT and Follicular androgen receptor inhibitor : {Fluridil + CosmeRNA}
Exosome Mesotherapy 1mm (See here for explanations & results) : ASCE+ HRLV AAPE for Hair secretomes + human Umbilical Chord Exosomes

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