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Propecia M,W,F instead of everyday?


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  • Regular Member

I have just started taking Propecia and was wondering if you will still see results if only taking 1mg of Propecia three times a week, as opposed to taking it everyday?


I do not like the side effects, so I called my Doctor and he recommended I continue taking it, but only on M,W,F's.


Will Propecia still be of benefit and effective if I only take it three times a week?


Thanks for any insight you can offer

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  • Regular Member

Its recommended that you cut the pill in half and take it everyday than every other day. Reason being that Propecia has a very short half life. Propecia cut in half is supposed to be 80% as effective as a whole 1mg pill. That's what Ive begun doing to cut the cost.

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  • Senior Member

Or you could try cutting it into quarters, and taking .25 everyday.. I think that some people who take Propecia for the first time get there body shocked with the 1mg dosage.. I believe there was a study that says you can take as low as .20 mg a day for it to have the same effect.. That's why they sell it in japan in .20mg dosages.

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  • Senior Member

The half life of propecia is 6 or so hours but it CARRIES ON LOWERING DHT for a number of days significantly and the study charts have been published on other forums and discussed.I take .5mg eod and its working for me 10 months in.

HT 2006/7

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by T.C:

The half life of propecia is 6 or so hours but it CARRIES ON LOWERING DHT for a number of days significantly and the study charts have been published on other forums and discussed.I take .5mg eod and its working for me 10 months in.


I am taking 1.25 EOD (5 mg in quarters). It's cheap and working fine for me with no sides. I am over a year in and hair loss is stable. MIGHT have grown a little.

1.25 mg finasteride EOD

Rogaine Foam 5% QD am

Kirkland minoxidil 5% QD pm

Nizoral Q2W

American Crew Revitalize Shampoo


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