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Confused between shock loss, grafted hair loss, medication related loss, etc...


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  • Regular Member

Hi all


I have had my HT about 3 weeks back and started on Proscar 1/4 (alt day) about 4 weeks back.


Before these, I havnt done anything with my hair as far as restoration goes.


Now, I am losing some hair in the transplanted area. Also losing quite a bit around the donor scar.


My questions are:

Can anybody give a time-line of hair loss related to

- Expected loss of transplanted hair

- Shock loss of native hair (does it apply for guy like me?)

- Proscar related loss

- Any other 'loss' missing.


This is a long weekend and dont have much chance to talk to my doc. So,would appreciate your comments.


Happy easter.


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  • Regular Member

Hi all


I have had my HT about 3 weeks back and started on Proscar 1/4 (alt day) about 4 weeks back.


Before these, I havnt done anything with my hair as far as restoration goes.


Now, I am losing some hair in the transplanted area. Also losing quite a bit around the donor scar.


My questions are:

Can anybody give a time-line of hair loss related to

- Expected loss of transplanted hair

- Shock loss of native hair (does it apply for guy like me?)

- Proscar related loss

- Any other 'loss' missing.


This is a long weekend and dont have much chance to talk to my doc. So,would appreciate your comments.


Happy easter.


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  • Regular Member

K_2009, I will tell you right off the bat that I am not an expert in anythign related to hair loss, but I will try to at least give you some info. based on my own research. Others will be able to give you much more detailed info, but here goes:

1. loss of transplanted hair: Firstly, did you have a lot of native hair in the transplanted area? Shock loss occurs in varying degrees depending on the individual (I know, a vague answer, yet the reality). From what I've read, most shock loss happens in the 1st month, with some people experiencing it up to 2 months post HT. It takes about 3-4 months for hairs lost to shock loss to start the regrowth process, although several complications, such as weak native hair (that was on its way out) or transection, can lead to some hairs never growing back( not trying to be pessimistic, but again this can happen).Assuming your surgeon was skilled and ethical, he insured that permanent shockloss chances were minimal in your case.

2. I have been on proscar myself for just under 4 months now. The time range of shedding/loss varies widely depending on whom you talk to, and even reading through this site, I've seen so many different opinions on this. I don't really know enough to give you a good answer on this one. From my personal experience, I am begginning to feel a decent amounnt of hairs sprouting in my donor area, as well as some in the frontal forelock. This has all begun to be noticeable in the past several weeks (again, Ive been on fin. for just under 4 months. I've heard cases where guys take much longer before they see results. The rule seems to be that give the fin. a year to gauge whether or not it is having a postive effect. Many people say that fin. has reached its full potential at about the 2 year mark, after which time, it can still continue to help maintain what you have left. Hope this helps some. Good luck with you journey and happy Easter to you as well!

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Sometimes it's hard to differentiate the loss associated with each of these. The good news you should know up front however, is all of it is temporary.


Transplanted hair shedding typically occurs 2 to 4 weeks out from surgery.


Shock loss of natural hair (if it occurs) can happen anywhere between a couple days to several weeks after surgery. In my personal experience, 5 to 8 weeks after surgery was my worst time for shock loss. Shock loss can occur anytime hair is transplanted in between or around existing natural hair. If your transplants were placed in completely bald areas, you won't experience shock loss.


A temporary hair shedding can occur the first couple weeks to months after starting hair loss medication like Propecia and Rogaine.


I hope this helps.


Happy Easter :-)



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