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Looking for some guidance

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Hey everyone, been creeping on here for a little bit and happy I found this network. Hands down the most informative, non-bias source of info and insight.

So I finally made the decision to go the HT route after years of contemplating on SMP or making the best out of the bald look.

Long story short, mid 30, afro hair, Id say Im probably between a Norwood 5 & 6 and most consultations has estimated between 2000-2500 graphs. My hair loss pattern and "growth" seems pretty established. I have NOT been taking minoxidil or finasteride.

From what Ive gathered Turkey is a no go for afro hair. I see Dr D****, Bisanga and Mwamba are the go to guys. Price is not too much of a worry for me, but at the rate of those guys(Bisanga and Mwamba), might as well stay in the US and honestly Id rather avoid any international travel considering the climate of the world.

My thing is that Im looking to stay in the US(at the same time avoid NY and CA over inflated prices) and from what Im also seeing is that often times folks are paying top dollar for a doctor with an incredible rep when in actuality the techs are doing damn near 80% percent of the work. So that's something I been mindful of.

So my challenge is finding a clinic thats US based and has a rep with afro hair. I thought Id be easy but I cant seem to find any.

I did stumble across nashvillehairdoctor.com .... Now I know there are very mixed reviews about NeoGraft however I respect their transparency that the technicians will essentially be doing the whole procedure. In addition, there is some history with afro hair.

Also, speaking of NeoGraft, despite the mixed reviews, would this be more ideal for afro hair? Correct me if Im wrong, but with afro hair it appears that a bigger more blunt punch is ideal for transection rate compared to most tools used during a manual FUE procedure.

Any insight, recommendations and/or knowledge would be great? Im hoping to get this done by January.

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  • Valued Contributor

To be honest I would speak with your GP/dermatologist and give Finasteride and perhaps Minoxidil at least a good year. See how your hair loss benefits or at the very least stabilizes. I would spend this time doing lots of due diligence and research on the forum. Look for patient results posted here with Afro hair with the same/similar loss as yours. All the best. 

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  • Senior Member

hey @blueandgold. I have an upcoming procedure planned of approximately 2500 grafts (subject to face to face consultation) and I've been graded a Norwood 3. There a quite a few cases on this forum of Norwood 5/6 where graft count is significantly higher than your what you've been estimated of 2000 -2500. You may need to look further into this to achieve coverage / density. 

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