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Hair transplants and diffuse hair loss.

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Diffuse thinners can be a good candidate for hair transplant surgery under certain conditions.  However, under other circumstances, they can be at risk.

For starters, are there any signs of thinning in the donor area? Some individuals with a diffuse thinning pattern also possess miniaturization at the sides and back of the scalp making it difficult to perform hair transfer surgery. If miniaturization is occurring in the donor area, they are typically not good candidates.

Some individuals with a diffuse thinning pattern also possess retrograde alopecia which starts with a thinning of the hair at the nape area and the bottom of the sides near the ears and gradually makes it way upwards.

On the other hand, if an individual with a diffuse thinning pattern has somewhat stabilized their hair loss by using finasteride, they could potentially be a good candidate for surgery and increase the overall amount of net hair.  But yes an individual with a diffuse tanning pattern is not using finasteride and/or is still aggressively losing hair, surgery would likely exacerbate permanent loss to the miniaturizing hairs and result in either a net loss of permanent hair or a simple replacement of natural hair with transplanted hair.

in summary, transplanting hair on a diffuse thinner can be a bit risky but it certainly can be done under the right circumstances.  Dr. Rahal takes each patient one case at a time.

Rahal Hair Transplant



Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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