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Needing opinions and advice.

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Hi all.

I have been reading these forums on and off for a long time now but I have never posted.

I am after some advice re taking the plunge on a future hair transplant.

I am currently 35 years old, have been balding since mid to late twenties and am currently somehwere between Norwood 6-7 ( I think )

I have been razor shaving since I was 30, and recently in the last two years have gotten Smp ( Smp Australia in Melbourne )  I love it and it has definitely been a game changer for me.

The dilemma I have is I want to have  my hair back by 40 if it is possible.
I have a big recession , but I feel my donor area is very dense and thick, and was always my strong point when I had a hairline. 

I have attached three photos within the last 3 years. Note that the donor photo was the last time I attempted to grow hair and pack with toppik etc , the other two images are of my head buzzed.

Just wanting some professional advice on whether or not I would be a good candidate, or if I am best served sticking with the Smp route.

Any help much appreciated , cheers ! 




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  • Valued Contributor


Imho If you are really happy with smp than i would say thats the best way to keep yourself happy because surgery should be the last resort to this....only attempt surgery if you are really concerned about your situation and can't handle it...

Can't judge anything from the single donor pic you have uploaded but if you really wanna go for surgical route than go with someone who has more experience in handling high NW cases and i would strongly suggest you to consider dr pittela for this who is producing some exceptional outcomes in high nw cases and imo the price in which he is doing provides more value and he is very appropriately priced...i hope this helps you ...best of luck ...

Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

--> My Thread

3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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It's difficult to tell, based on the photos you've provided, what pattern of loss you're dealing with.  It does seem you're not dipping very much in the donor.  That is, you would not be classified as a 7 just yet.  So perhaps somewhere between a 5-6.  Undoubtedly an advanced pattern.  

Donor limitation often drives this industry, particularly when dealing with an advanced pattern.  There's typically not enough available to allow for density throughout the entire pattern.  It's for this reason most ethical doctors will concentrate their efforts, at least initially, to the frontal area.  It's the area you see when you look at yourself.  It's also the area others see when they interact with you.  Now the crown.

Think of the crown as a circle. You fill it.  Because you've shown the propensity to lose, you'll continue losing.  You go on to lose all he native hair around the island worth of hair.  You've now created a target and an unnatural pattern.  Retention of the native hair becomes imperative.  What, if anything, are you doing to help mitigate the progressive nature of this condition?  Fortunately, your loss seems to be on the horizontal plane and not so much the vertical.  That is, you can have the doctor work as far back as he can, in U fashion, so at to minimize the size of the crown. 

If you did have more density, how would you style your hair?  If long, you would have the access to both FUT and FUE.  If you're going to keep a high and tight haircut, FUE.  this is important as it can give you access to your entire donor area.  


Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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Thank you for the replies.

I would be hoping to achieve a high tight hairline, keeping it short and age appropriate. Not fussed on making the crown too dense as I need all the work at the front. 
From what I can gather, Thailand is probably my best bet logistically, I like the results I have seen here from Laorwong.

I had came to realise that Australia offered poor results, but something about Gro clinics seems different ? Lots of patient videos and before and after through up close video testimony, but it also screams too good to be true, I just don't know, anyone else here familiar with them ? I know they rebranded from DHI.

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