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Everything posted by Hjs2088

  1. Definitely wasn't trying to be patriotic, as the top surgeons are definitely found overseas. I was just curious in regards to Gro as a company. At face value they seem too commercialised , but there patient videos do seem to speak for themselves. I do wonder if, technology and tools have advanced so much that the average practitioner/ dr can pull off a decent transplant these days ? i have no doubt that trick lighting / photography plays a part in that, but I feel like they show the best results for the Aussie hair transplant industry ?
  2. Hey mate, Did you end up going through with a transplant ? I also would like to know a little bit more about Gro. Initially I was put off by them , but if I am being honest , their results are just as good as any worldwide I have seen so far - plenty of blokes who are Norwood 6-7 now with great hairlines and density. Yes, the price tag is probably pushing $50k for a good set of hair, but I would pay that to stay in my own country , avoid long flights / hotel stays / any medical wrong doing for peace of mind. In saying that , from what I have seen I would only consider that Dr Ruk in Brisbane , his results look really clean and patient videos seem to back it up without false advertising.
  3. Thank you for the replies. I would be hoping to achieve a high tight hairline, keeping it short and age appropriate. Not fussed on making the crown too dense as I need all the work at the front. From what I can gather, Thailand is probably my best bet logistically, I like the results I have seen here from Laorwong. I had came to realise that Australia offered poor results, but something about Gro clinics seems different ? Lots of patient videos and before and after through up close video testimony, but it also screams too good to be true, I just don't know, anyone else here familiar with them ? I know they rebranded from DHI.
  4. Hi all. I have been reading these forums on and off for a long time now but I have never posted. I am after some advice re taking the plunge on a future hair transplant. I am currently 35 years old, have been balding since mid to late twenties and am currently somehwere between Norwood 6-7 ( I think ) I have been razor shaving since I was 30, and recently in the last two years have gotten Smp ( Smp Australia in Melbourne ) I love it and it has definitely been a game changer for me. The dilemma I have is I want to have my hair back by 40 if it is possible. I have a big recession , but I feel my donor area is very dense and thick, and was always my strong point when I had a hairline. I have attached three photos within the last 3 years. Note that the donor photo was the last time I attempted to grow hair and pack with toppik etc , the other two images are of my head buzzed. Just wanting some professional advice on whether or not I would be a good candidate, or if I am best served sticking with the Smp route. Any help much appreciated , cheers !
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