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The insane variability of post op recommendations and loneliness of recovery

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It is really absurd that with so many things in post op recovery with this process (sun exposure, hats, weight lifting, caffeine, alcohol, laser helmets, PRP, growth hormone, etc.) -- no one seems to have a proven answer, so we end up just listening to the most confident guy in the room that matches up to what we secretly would like the answer to be. 

Really frustrating aspect of recovery -- how in the dark we are and how variable things can be as far as recovery recommendations. And then the ridiculous "ask your surgeon" which means almost nothing because the surgeon is just guessing too.

Considering that FUT/FUE has been around for decades, it's pretty pathetic that studies on differing post op recovery regimens haven't been studied essentially at all. For non cosmetic surgeries, things are so much more concrete and studied. Bizarre how under-researched anything in the hair industry is that doesn't directly lead to profit.

Trying to research hair dye today and beyond the obvious no ammonia suggestion, I've seen recs range from 2 weeks to 9 months. What. The. F*ck.

My lady broke up with me right before my procedure and trying to get back into the dating scene. 6 weeks out and 70% gray which makes me look about a decade older than I actually am. What a sh*t show. Be prepared for that fellas, having flashbacks to how I felt during quarantine.

Whatever. Just venting. Probably won't get any response to this post. That's fine too.

Good luck to anyone who reads this.

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I'd agree with your assessment about there being so much variability with post-op recovery.  I came to my doctor with a lot of questions when I got my HT, based on what I had read online about recovery.  Most of what my docs said lined up with what I read, but some things deviated.  I basically just erred on the side of caution with everything, since that really couldn't hurt by waiting a few weeks instead of doing anything too early.  My game plan has been to just live a healthy lifestyle, sleep well, make sure I'm getting vitamins, take my meds (fin/min), and don't overexert myself for a few weeks.  That's a pretty safe bet, and worrying about anything else is just not worth it.  

As an aside, I don't know about PRP or laser helmets.  My docs were very upfront with me and said they didn't find any overwhelming evidence that either of those things worked.  I'm sure some might disagree here though.

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Truth is, that as long as you follow the basic post op care (no sauna or swimming in the sea for three months), post op meds, no gym for two weeks, you are fine.

No one can guarantee the results or growth post HT. Even with the best doctors, there is always an element of unpredictability, same as with most anything in life.

Don't waste time worrying about dating. Focus on yourself and your recovery. Once you are ready, ask Mr. Google about the merits of the hobby.

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@consequence I don't know about others but i kept things very simple ...i even visited each and every tourist place every evening till i stayed there...i just made sure that nothing hit my head till day 10...i jst made sure that i keep the scalp clean and hygienic so i just used saline for that...i took the medication religiously which i was already on since long time even before my HT...no special diet but just included one multivitamin ,vit d and biotin tablets to my medication regime...

I was even never worried so much about it and infact i was very excited to go for it...I believe one needs to take care but don't need to take extra care and be so much anxious about it....bt i know all this things varies from person to person and evry individual is different...but my advice would be to keep it simple and follow the normal surgical care and medication and you will be fine...we should do what is in our hands and hope for the best...don't think so much abt those things which are not in our hands which will only make us anxious and worried...i hope this helps you ...best  of luck 

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Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

--> My Thread

3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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As long as you don't dislodge grafts during the first 3 days or get a really severe scalp sunburn in the first 6 months, post-op activities have ZERO impact on HT results.

99% of success is due to the doctor and techs. 

Placing a huge emphasis on "patient post-op responsibility" is detrimental to this industry and just allows hair-mills and other bad doctors to unfairly shift blame onto patients. 

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