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Crown vrs Receding hairline? Any difference?


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As I read the label on Rogaine, and I believe I saw it on a Propecia description awhile back, they say that the medications work on the thinning of the crown on top of the head, but are not meant for the receding hairline at the front of the head?


Is this true? Is there actually a difference on the parts of the head? Can you really stop hair loss on the top of the head but not the front?


What are you opinions? I have been using rogaine on both the crown and my receding hairline.





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  • Senior Member

i've been on propecia for 2 years now...


while my crown has slightly gotten thinner, my hairline is pretty much exactly where it was when i started


marvin is correct (from what i've read) about the reasons why they have to say just the crown

my reg is:


propecia 1mg EVERYDAY

minox 5% twice daily (f the foam)

nizoral 1%


say la V old buddies .... i'm tryin to keep you

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