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Are extractions taken from the safe zone?

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I would say they are taken from the 'safe' region. Everybody has different boundaries where their 'safe' donor region begins; some have quite a big safe region whilst others have a smaller region. A good doctor will be pretty certain about your donor region before they perform any procedure.


They can determine the safe region using a lot of techniques in combination. One of the biggest factors is probably age and Norwood class. If you're 23 your safe region is much harder to define because you're likely to be in the early stages of balding. Some men may only experience minor balding in the next 20-30 years where others may experience losing the majority of their hair.


So a doctor will usually be reluctant to do any sort of procedure until you are at least 30, the reason being that by then a better estimate can be made as to your pattern of baldness and your safe region. This is still not a totally accurate assessment but a good doctor will have seen enough balding heads to make sound judgement based on the evidence available to him!


Anyway my hunch would be this guy looks at least in his mid-30's judging from the pictures (admittedly seeing the back of someone's head isn't the best way to guess their age, but you can give it a go!). I'd say the doctor has taken hair from a relatively well established safe region for this patient: not to high and not too low.


I don't know whether this doctor is any good (I haven't looked at who it is, only the pictures), but my 2 cents would be that the FUE looks pretty clean and well done. I'm sure you're doing more research but my hunch is that everything looks OK based on the picture you've supplied! Others will be able to give better information I'm sure!

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As mahong already suggested, the photos you linked to show extractions taken from the universal safezone. While there may be exceptional times its appropriate for physicians to take hair outside of these areas depending on the patient, Dr. Feriduni feels that in most cases, staying within these areas is in the long term best interest of the patient.


Dr. Feriduni is a highly esteemed Coalition member and in my opinion, does state of the art work.


If you are considering him for hair transplant surgery, I strongly encourage you to consult with him and look at examples of his work on this forum.


Best wishes,



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