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Finasteride shedding phase, or just finasteride not working properly?


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Hello guys,

I have decided to ask you for piece of advice as I'm constantly struggling with finasteride shedding.

More serious hair loss for me started about 3 years ago and that was the point that I started using topical minoxidil. After couple of months my hair got much better, however I could still see the process slowly going forward. As I wanted to slow down hair loss process even more I decided to visit trichologist. He introduced to me some quite expensive treatments that I could do and at that time so I decided to not go for it. He also advised to stop using minoxidil and I bought some shampoo and some other medication from there. 3 months after stopping minoxidil and using stuff that I bought there my hair was extremely thin to the point that I started to be really worried. Front of my hair lost most of it's color and hair in the middle of my head was also very thin.

I started to look for some solutions online and I discovered finasteride and I also went back on minoxidil. After that I had appointment with dermatologist and I got it prescribed. I'm taking finasteride + topical minoxidil from July 2023 and after first month or two hair I managed to regrow a lot of new hair and after a month my hair loss stopped completely. (At that time I was probably happiest person on the planet, as I couldn't even see single hair falling when I was taking shower) One month later my hair started falling again (mainly middle part of my head). After some massive shed I was able to see that my hair is regrowing again and it was looking pretty good. It looked good for about a month or two and now again I lost a lot of hair from the middle of my head and it's killing me. My hair overall got back it's color (it's darker, previously it looked less healthy), however from 3rd month until now my hair is constantly falling.

I'm not exactly sure if I got back those hair because of finasteride or just minoxidil and finasteride is not helping me at all.

Have you guys experienced similiar situations and does the shedding ever stops? I'm taking it for 11 months straight along with minoxidil (plus some dermarolling recently) and I'm just wondering if it's a matter of time or I should stop taking it.


Thanks in advance!

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