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How long should I stay in Turkey for my hair transplant?

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How long should I stay in Turkey for my hair transplant?

I have a hair transplant scheduled with Dr. Turan from Fuecapilar on October 4th. Here's my planned itinerary:

  • Departure: I will be flying to Istanbul on Saturday, September 30th. During my stay, I plan to arrange my own accommodation and take some time for sightseeing.
  • Hotel Check-in and Blood Test: On Tuesday, October 3rd, I will check into the hotel provided by Fuecapilar and complete the necessary blood test.
  • Surgery: The surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, October 4th. I will be having a hair transplant to address my receding hairline, involving approximately 2500 grafts.
  • Post-Surgery Care: On Thursday, October 5th, I will have a wash. THEN FLY OUT?? OR NOT.....?

Now, I have a few questions regarding my return flight. Should I fly back home on the same day as the wash? Should I stay an extra night after the wash day? Or should I extend my stay by two nights and leave on Saturday?

Considering that the surgery is on October 4th and the wash is on October 5th, I have the option to book a return flight for either the 5th, 6th, or even Saturday, October 7th. The flight duration is approximately 2.5 hours.

I have planned to arrive four days earlier to explore Istanbul, but I understand that after the surgery, I will need rest and may be more comfortable recovering at home. Therefore, I am considering having my wash and flying straight back home. However, I would appreciate hearing from others who have undergone a similar experience and can provide guidance on the recommended duration of stay. If you have any insights or personal experiences to share, I would be grateful.

I have additional time off work until October 11th, providing me with a full week of rest. However, I believe it would be best to rest at home. My job mainly involves sitting with some movement, but it is indoors.

Thank you for any advice and assistance you can provide in determining the ideal duration for my stay in Turkey.

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Hard question to answer because everyone has a different pain threshold. I went out and did some light bar hopping the night after my surgery, but I've also heard some people experience a bit of pain post-op. If it were me doing it, I would fly home the day after surgery and not even go for the wash, but that's just my personal feeling after having been through this once. 

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