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Can your grafts actually dry out and die if you don't spray them in the first two weeks postop?

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I am currently about 14 days postop from my FUE procedure and I was advised to not touch my recipient area for the first 14 days (just spray with saline water every 2 hours, and wash twice a day with baby shampoo/water via spray bottle...which I have diligently been doing).

However, unlike most 14-day postop results... my head still has pretty much all of the scabs/dry skin still left on my head.  

I decided to test a single area and carefully remove a few of the loose dried skin/scabs today, and each and every one of them had hair attached to them.
I will be washing my head in the shower tomorrow (which will have more pressure than my light removal of a few of the scabs today)...but if my little scab experiment is true, then I am expecting that all of my hair will be coming out with my dried skin.  Which makes me wonder...

Can your grafts actually dry out and die if you didn't use enough saline spray?

When and how do you know that your grafts are secure?

Is it normal to go through a complete and total shed of all your grafts during your first wash?

Here is a photo of what I am talking about...




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3 hours ago, mister_25 said:

I didn’t spray my head at all with saline due to my clinics post op instructions. I’m sure you will be fine.

as for the scabs coming off with hair, it’s normal.

Second this ^. Grafts in their entirety are much bigger than a small bit of hair so unless you're seeing the whole lot come out it is likely only a scab with hair attached. The hair should then regrow in a few months depending on your recovery!

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