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Just had a 3000 FUE- Any Post Op Advice

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What's up everyone! I just had a 3000 fue to zones 1 and 2. Just wanted to get any advice from veterans.

1.) How long does it take the grafts to be fully secure? I see there are so many post op instructions but I am curious what actually "knocks the grafts out" and "ruins the transplant"? I am planning to stick to my post op religiously, but am curious.

2.) How will you know if all your grafts securely implanted? Will you be able to see it at the 14 day mark? 

3.) Will you be able to tell visually if any grafts didn't survive at the 14 day mark due to poor post op? Or does it take longer than that to know?

4.) Any advice based on your own experiences?

Thanks a million. When I get to six months I will post a before and after!

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10) about a week.

2) Because it will be around a week.

3) You can't.

4) Yes. Patience. Post op is the worst time because it takes up to 12 months before you will see your final results. If you can take finasteride then take it (although I am not a doctor). It will help prevent your hair from further loss from DHT. Try and keep yourself busy with work, etc and I know it's easy to say but try not to stress over the results and don't compare yours to others. Everyone grows at different stages. I look forward to see your results at six months. All the best and happy growing!

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1.) How long does it take the grafts to be fully secure? I see there are so many post op instructions but I am curious what actually "knocks the grafts out" and "ruins the transplant"? I am planning to stick to my post op religiously, but am curious.

Week to Two Weeks. Consensus I've seen is about the 10 day mark is safe.

2.) How will you know if all your grafts securely implanted? Will you be able to see it at the 14 day mark? 

You won't. There isn't something you can see that will make clear exactly when the graft is secure.

3.) Will you be able to tell visually if any grafts didn't survive at the 14 day mark due to poor post op? Or does it take longer than that to know?

Important thing is if you see bleeding (more than a scab) with a graft that has fallen out, it means its dislodged and lost. Hairs that fall out without blood is normal shedding. Otherwise, you're probably fine.

4.) Any advice based on your own experiences?

Grafts are more resilient than you'd expect. Just don't hit your head and you'll probably be fine.

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  • Regular Member
11 hours ago, Gatsby said:

10) about a week.

2) Because it will be around a week.

3) You can't.

4) Yes. Patience. Post op is the worst time because it takes up to 12 months before you will see your final results. If you can take finasteride then take it (although I am not a doctor). It will help prevent your hair from further loss from DHT. Try and keep yourself busy with work, etc and I know it's easy to say but try not to stress over the results and don't compare yours to others. Everyone grows at different stages. I look forward to see your results at six months. All the best and happy growing!

Thank you Gatsby! Appreciate the insight. Will do

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