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What would happen?


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  • Regular Member

I have heard that grafts are not coming out after a few weeks. 

But what would actually happen if someone took both fists and pulled most of someone's hair out of the recipient area? Let's say this happens after 1 year? 

How many of the grafts would survive? All? half?



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  • Regular Member

It’s the same as asking how many would survive if you forcefully ripped hair out of the donor area or in a person without hair loss.

The answer is I don’t know, but I don’t want to find out. People can wax their legs, and their body hair, and even their beards. But if you grabbed someone by the ponytail and swung them around like a lasso, until their hair is ripped out, I’d expect the result would be unpleasant. 

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  • Regular Member

You would imagine it would pull the hair out and leave the follicles intact, assuming no (large amount of ) skin came with them.

If you Google it, you'll see there have been accidents where people's hair have been trapped in rotating machinery which pulled it and skin off theirs heads and yet their hair still grew back.

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