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The truth about alcohol, smoking, and hair transplant

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I'm trying to understand and get to the bottom of the truth about alcohol use and smoking post hair transplantation. I've read numerous articles about how alcohol and smoking interfere with transplanted hair growth by depriving the scalp of oxygen, delaying healing, etc. I've also read forums/articles on how smoking/drinking is prohibited anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks post transplantation. I enjoy drinking and occasional smoking. I don't drink every day nor do I smoke every day. I did not smoke or drink for at least 2 weeks post procedure. I've probably had a total of 2-3 packs of cigarettes in the past 5 months and generally drink on the weekends, depending on the occasion. I may go hard and have a good time on special events like parties, weddings, etc. Aside from the general comments on how smoking and drinking are bad for you, are there published studies on how drinking/smoking affect your transplanted hair? I obviously don't want to impede on the growth of my investment, but I also have a certain lifestyle that I live and, while I did refrain from that lifestyle for the first two weeks as specifically instructed, I've maintained that lifestyle since then. Again, it's not a crazy lifestyle.

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The truth is that if you have lost your hair and had the 'miracle' through medication/surgery or both to restore it then you will do anything to optimize the chances of keeping it. Aside from that it's also healthier for the rest of your body. That's just my answer and I am in no way judging your post (it's a good one). I also still drink socially but quitting cigarettes was the best thing I did ten years ago. It has probably paid for at least 3k grafts since then! 😉👍

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Not sure on any actual data, but I could be a case study myself on this in a way. When I had my transplant, I was completely ignorant to the pre and post op instructions (to a much larger extent than yourself - I was smoking a packet a day out of the boredom of staying at home, and had at least a few beers most nights). Eating crap as well and generally being unhealthy.

I had noticeable results but my surgeon wasn't impressed at the 12 month review and basically said 'it looks a bit thin'. I know of two other people who went to the same place around the same time and got better results, so from my experience/interpretation, smoking and drinking (along with other factors such as diet and stress) could have a massive impact. Having said that, I was smoking a packet a day whereas your situation is much less extreme.

I've got a second procedure booked towards the end of the year, and plan on doing things differently this time. I'll find it very difficult to give up smoking but I think that just cutting down massively and being more moderate will yield better results for me than last time.

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  • Senior Member

Man, you'll be fine. 

As long as you abstained a week prior and a couple of weeks post, you can resume living your life in moderation. If 'healthy living' promised everybody a full head of hair, there'd be at least 33K dudes doing crossfit and swearing by mineral water :D

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