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Help needed Regards Blood tests From Ireland going to Eugenix


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  • Regular Member

Hi Guys,

I hoping someone can help here. I booked in for a HT with Eugenix in the first week of March and they want me to get blood tests done which I taught be grand But one of the tests is for HIV grand again but my doctors are say getting testing for HIV is a big deal theres counselling and all involved and its not straight forward that in Europe we just do standard blood tests I live in Ireland and am running out of time.. and starting to panic as I have flights and all booked!   has anyone form Ireland that went to Eugenix got bloods done that they can recommend where I can go?

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  • Valued Contributor

Why don't you just get the blood tests done in India? That's what most of us who have been to Eugenix did. Much, much cheaper as well.

There is the partial risk of the blood work being done there and then testing badly on a specific test that means you can't have surgery, but if your flights are already booked then you're going to India one way or the other so worst case is you get a short holiday.

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  • Regular Member

Sounds like you'll need to have it done in India, share this information with your contact at Eugenix... if you can accomplish most of the blood worj in Ireland and then just need the HIV there that might be the way to go. 

I live in i the US and went there but thankfully was able to have my doc order all those test here. 

Here is also a suggestion... see what others in Ireland have done for that test. Google and see if there are some other options. You can't be the first to encounter this problem. IN fact there are some Irish Eugenix patients I've read in the forum... there will be a solution I suspect. Good luck

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  • Regular Member

Hi Lads,

Update - Got in touch with Eugenix They can do the HIV test the day before my procedure and my doctor agreed to do the rest. Thank God as this had me seriously stressed out as I never had to do any of this for my first HT in Poland. I was literally getting know where! anyway sorted now thank god. 

Edited by Benny79
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