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Remove scabs - but why?


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Most clinics argue that scabs should be removed after 7, 11, or 14 days. 

But why? Scabs are the body's natural way to heal. Just like scabs on a wound anywhere on the body, the chance to get a scar afterwards is usually lower if the scab is left to fall off by itself rather than trying prematurely to get it off.

The only argument seems to be "because the hair and follicle needs to breathe". Just like a plant growing up from the ground this might at a glance make sense. 

However, hair follicles are not plants. Plants get their nutrition externally such as sun through osmosis and photosynthesis. Meanwhile, hair and follicles, just like almost all other cells in the human body do not get nor need any external 'air' or other things like a plant does. It gets oxygen and other necessary elements through the blood, and the blood gets it from the lungs. 

It also seems that it's very important that they scalp heals well and correctly around the hair, since it will make it easier for the new hair to pop through if the passage is nice and well-healed.

So, is it actually best to take the scabs off, or maybe better to just let them be until they fall out on their own? 


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Some surgeons have performed studies on this. After about 5-7 days keeping the scabs no longer improved graft survival. And from then the longer they stayed the worse graft survival got. 

After 3-5 days the grafts are fully secure in the scalp anyways, so the scabs aren't doing anything helpful anymore. 

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