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Is this Post-op density decent?


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The other day I posted a question about my hair transplant density and whether it would thicken. I posted a picture that was 6-7 days after and i had already shed scabs....a lot of members said that my procedure wasn't dense enough. 


Here is a pic I found the day of surgery, when I got home. How does it look in yalls opinion?

I contacted 3 different FUE Dr's, and sent them pictures of right after surgery and my results at 6 months...EVERY one of them told me that I'm not finished filling in and that based off my post op picture, I should be getting better density within a couple of months...

The feedback I got on here really bothered me until I spoke with other Drs., as well as, the Dr who performed my surgery. He assured me that if an area doesn't fill in, he would fix it at no cost to me....but assured me of better growth....again I am just a handful of days away from 6 months post op. Here are my results so far. I'm personally disappointed based off others I've seen, but feel better hearing that it will get better and better over then next few months.....Do you guys think they're just trying to ease my worries, or it will really get better? 20230117_143956.thumb.jpg.dc320af2cfe528a3039124c81346c658.jpgScreenshot_20230117_210741_Gallery.thumb.jpg.8b392c3d9c377d7654941b29a3da93f5.jpg



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One more day of surgery, when I got home. Just trying to see if they inserted grafts dense enough or not. This is the last time I'll bring it up on here. I've just really been concerned since my last post on here....thanks for the honesty though.....


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It will improve but it’s unlikely it will improve much to be a satisfactory result. Sorry to say. The graft implantation looks spacey and you only had 1,350 grafts there. I’ve been in your shoes, twice. It’s a Hail Mary if someone goes from having poor density at 6 months to having significant growth by 12-18. I know you’d rather hear otherwise but I think it’s better to be plan ahead than hold on to hope that there’d be a big turnaround. I would consider seeking another doc than getting a free touch-up from your original surgeon.

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@Tdoliver24 you really don't have to wait terribly long in between hair transplants.

If I were in your shoes I would start consulting with better surgeons right now for a 2nd surgery. With a waitlist you can get your 2nd pass density fill in scheduled at 10 months - 1 yr after your 1st surgery. Chances are honestly even if this 1st HT were a bit better, even then you'd still want a 2nd pass fill in. While it does occur, it is pretty rare to get a great HT result just in one go. 

And say you miraculously do get a late growth-spurt with this 1st HT and are happy, you can just cancel the 2nd HT. And your happiness with the late growth-spurt growth will be well worth the lost deposit of the 2nd HT.

Win-Win in either situation.

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I REALLYYYY appreciate everyone's honesty and feedback....I finally went to the barber today and got a haircut....I actually feel much better about my situation....my hair is still looks 100% better than before the operation, but I am for sure going to start consultations with other Dr's. Here are a couple pictures: one just now after a haircut (almost 6months post op) and one right before my operation. Screenshot_20230118_134417_Gallery.thumb.jpg.5e18856274222100bb38abd657d2e7bc.jpgScreenshot_20230118_134046_Snapchat.thumb.jpg.6cad22c8e7668b7d11984c2da73a27c5.jpg

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