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Hair Loss Assessment

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Hello everyone, I’m in my 20s and already suffered significant hair loss. It’s recently started bothering me and I’m looking to get an idea of where I stand and what my options are.

Where do you guys think I am on the Norwood scale?

Do you guys think I’m a good candidate for hair transplant? If so, how many grafts?

P.S. I’m not sure whether the scalp donor area is good and sufficient but I have a very thick facial hair growth from neck to up to almost my eyes. I have lots of chest and body hair as well.

Thanks in advance 🙏








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We'd need whole head pictures to be certain but I'm afraid it looks like your pattern is a Norwood 7. Your first bet should be medication rather than surgery as you may get a lot of regrowth.  If you've achieved stability there are doctors willing to operate on high norwoods (just make sure they're recommended ones!) but it's likely you'll need to have a very conservative hairline and focus grafts on the front and midscalp with thinner look in the crown. To maximise grafts from your limited donor, I'd strongly consider FUT if the scar isn't a dealbreaker. You can then move to FUE and BHT if you need more down the road

Edited by BurnieBurns
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@Karan Roy,

As another suggested, it would be helpful to have photos showing other angles of your scalp such as the side and back view as well. But at this point, you appear to be a Norwood 6 with the possibility of rushing to a Norwood 7. Unfortunately, that is pretty much the cost advanced level of hair loss.

Unfortunately, those with advanced boldness need to understand that assuming they even have dense enough donor hair, full coverage is likely not possible, nor is high density.  Under the best conditions, you would likely be able to restore a conservative looking hairline with some density that goes back into the mid scalp region. If you have enough donor, a sprinkling of hair could be added to parts of the crown.

in my opinion, it wouldn’t hurt to consult a view physicians to get their input.   But be cautious of those surgeons and clinics who will tell you simply what you want to hear.  As much as everybody wants to be able to restore a full looking head of hair, this is not possible for a large number of individuals with advanced degrees of balding.

my last suggestion would be to consider getting on finasteride if you want to attempt to slow down or stop your hair loss from progressing further. It likely won’t do much to regrow any hair in bald areas, but if you don’t want it to progress further which might do since you’re still very young with advanced hair loss, you may want to consider talking to your doctor about getting on this medication.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant 

Edited by Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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