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I've reached out to Eugenix about a consult. Pretty hard to deny the results and value there. For me it's going to be about 1000 grafts, hairline and one side above the temple area. Frankly 1000 is a little on the high side but figure to account for that and if less needed fine. It's a bit of fix from a previous HT that wasn't as excellent as it could have been, not a repair though. Exclusive package is what I'm eyeing with Dr. Das. I'd be travelling from the US.

I've combed through the search function here and read plenty of those posts. Seen Melvin's experience video, read the favorable things and have seen the many other cases documented. Very helpful and if any of y'all who have contributed to those threads happen upon this, many thanks. 

If anybody has any particular insight into travel from the US or anything about Eugenix not already covered here in the many threads of Eugenix I'd appreciate it. 

I'll start up a proper thread once this is all in motion. Thanks again.


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I think it's easy as pie to travel from the US to India with an eVisa system in place providing you aren't Pakistani in any capacity lol. 

Overall we probably would need to see some pictures to get an idea of the hairline design you are aiming for and where the 1k grafts may go. It does seem like a lower number than average but based on even what you're saying, it's difficult to picture where the refinement will be exactly to determine the rough graft count. 

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Thanks Narmak, I'll post some pictures in a bit. It's all primarily right at the hairline and not of great width. I see the excellent work and result you had done and imagine if you took about a pencil width of those grafts out at the hairline on one side, kinda spotty... that's kinda where I am... so the 1000 estimate is to fill there. It's like a 1/3 of what you needed but wanted to error on the side of more for expectations. I'll get some pictures posted though at some point.

I should note that while I'm sold on Eugenix I am looking at a couple other options that are a bit closer and appear to do exceptional work. So now I'm back to evaluating and combing through results.  Oh the process, haha! Thanks again for the response.

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1 hour ago, ray35 said:

Thanks Narmak, I'll post some pictures in a bit. It's all primarily right at the hairline and not of great width. I see the excellent work and result you had done and imagine if you took about a pencil width of those grafts out at the hairline on one side, kinda spotty... that's kinda where I am... so the 1000 estimate is to fill there. It's like a 1/3 of what you needed but wanted to error on the side of more for expectations. I'll get some pictures posted though at some point.

I should note that while I'm sold on Eugenix I am looking at a couple other options that are a bit closer and appear to do exceptional work. So now I'm back to evaluating and combing through results.  Oh the process, haha! Thanks again for the response.

Honestly, it's good to have options. Personally i didn't feel i had the budget for what i needed doing with a full temple point restoration to go with basically anybody other than Eugenix because of their wealth of experience doing them and quality results, but if your budget van stretch to it, you can always look around and never go wrong with trusted doctors with a long history of results. 

India was really difficult for me to personally get my Visa and plan proper flights. I genuinely got lucky there was Covid based rules to help me rebook without huge penalty and if i had to do a trip there for the future, although Eugenix were great and went above and beyond in their hospitality, the political issues mean it probably won't be something i'd find going back for a 2nd procedure like Armen or John did. It's unfortunate really because they are a good outfit all around from my experience. Small things here and there i would have changed. Some down to me, some i should have pushed them to make sure they did as agreed to beforehand. Overall though, i would have gone with them again with very slight tweaks. 

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19 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

Honestly, it's good to have options. Personally i didn't feel i had the budget for what i needed doing with a full temple point restoration to go with basically anybody other than Eugenix because of their wealth of experience doing them and quality results, but if your budget van stretch to it, you can always look around and never go wrong with trusted doctors with a long history of results. 

India was really difficult for me to personally get my Visa and plan proper flights. I genuinely got lucky there was Covid based rules to help me rebook without huge penalty and if i had to do a trip there for the future, although Eugenix were great and went above and beyond in their hospitality, the political issues mean it probably won't be something i'd find going back for a 2nd procedure like Armen or John did. It's unfortunate really because they are a good outfit all around from my experience. Small things here and there i would have changed. Some down to me, some i should have pushed them to make sure they did as agreed to beforehand. Overall though, i would have gone with them again with very slight tweaks. 

Right, that makes sense, I'm looking at Bogota Hairlines with Dr. Camacho as well. Part of the forum and recommended docs here and delivering some great results. So like you say, good to have options.  Thanks, the additional insight is helpful!


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