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Turkey Hair Clinic choosing and my hair state - Am I eligible?

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Turkey Hair Transplant Clinics Tip + Am I even eligible?

Hi, I am seeking tips for good quality clinic in Turkey, budget Im looking for is **3-6000 EUR**, either using all-inclusive packages or I can organise myself accommodation and transport and pay only for clinic services. Very important for me is to have either online consultation about possible results or I can even fly out to turkey to have in-person consultation. Preferably if the transplant will be made by doctor himself and not some random un-qualified people. **Planning to get transplant around march**

**Other thing is question - Am I even eligible and which transplant method should I use? Iam ready to have 1-2 transplants(3-6000€ per transplant budget wise)**

**Something about me:**

26 years old male - European-Asian

3 year **minoxidil foam 5%** (not really responsing too much besides mini hair on forehead which wont get stronger, also my hair structure changed to more curly hair and sometimes very irregular+hard shape. Had a pause so now been using continuously for around 1.5 year.

**1 year finasteride 1.25mg (I would say it slowed down process or maybe reversed it a little as well).**

**Using good quality shampoo and conditioner everyday(**


**Can anyone advise best transplant method for me and approximate amount of grafts?**

In case of hair transplant, does turkey doctors give you needed prescription like finasteride or atleast can you buy it there? Im buying in second hand now since my doctor wouldnt prescribe me.

My pictures are here:


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