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Tanning after a HT

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  • Regular Member

Is tanning bad for a HT? I am about 6 months post op and shaved my head (the grafts were not placed well so I decided to just shave). The donor scar is still a little pink and I was wondering if tanning my head would be a good or bad idea. Since there is no sun this time of year, I was thinking of a tanning salon and just wanted to make sure I wasn't making a bad move (I can't afford any more of those)....


Any thoughts?

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  • Regular Member

Is tanning bad for a HT? I am about 6 months post op and shaved my head (the grafts were not placed well so I decided to just shave). The donor scar is still a little pink and I was wondering if tanning my head would be a good or bad idea. Since there is no sun this time of year, I was thinking of a tanning salon and just wanted to make sure I wasn't making a bad move (I can't afford any more of those)....


Any thoughts?

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  • Senior Member

is your recepient area still pink/tender?


If it is, then i would avoid tanning. Even if its a little tender. my pinkness has faded competely/gone recently, but its still healing and a little tender. So i would avoid sun for a few more months if i was you.


also 6 months is hardly enough time to judge the final results. i would say a full year is needed for the hairs to mature and thicken up.


Id say wait a couple more months before tanning.

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Dirct sun exposure is not recommended until all transplanted areas (donor and recipient) have returned to normal pigmentation. This can take up to 1 year. You can put sunblock over the transplanted areas and suntan all surrounding areas. Remember, adding a little color to your skin is not bad. It is the burning of the skin that has the harmful long term cumulitive effects. You may want to concider the self tanning lotions which are generally much safer than direct sun exposure.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Any opinion on a tanning salon? I don't know much about them but that was the option I was considering since it is winter. Is this a safe alternative or a potentially bad idea? I feel a tan would definitely make things blend together better in appearance.

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