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HDC Maras vs Bicer vs Christos Taskalos (DHI Thessaloniki)

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Hey everyone,

As the title suggest, I would like to share my thoughts and dilemma compering the doctors mentioned above. Hopefully it will help me get a better decision.

First, a bit about my self, I am 33 (Israeli), and the my budget is up tp 3 euro per graft. (Obviously I would prefer paying less, but I will pay more for better results)

I must say its a hard dilemma and after a long research I narrowed down my options.

The first two names I mentioned (Maras & Bicer) based on the following -

  1. Mostly good reviews - I didn’t find any bad reviews on them (beside one on Maras which seems to be not that bad to my opinion). but many good reviews in different reliable websites and forums such as this one. 
  2. They have a lot of experience .
  3. They fit my budget
  4. Their work looks pretty good

However, the last point is also kind of what makes me confused -

I know many people saying their work is amazing but I must admit I don’t see such a big difference between those two to many other doctors also neither between them and the third name I mentioned (Christos Taskalos DHI).

The only jobs I have seen which looked extremely good and consistent for each patient were those mega starts, who charge 5 euro per grafts such as Zagreb, Juan cutto etc.. (their work really looks amazing but unfortunately are not in my budget).

For the three I mentioned have some good and some ok works, its depends on many variables and varies from patient to patient,

but I don’t feel like any of them have a  an amazing results compare to the others.

So in that case, if it wasn’t the name and experience I would probably go with Dr Chris because he his half price. and I also feel like the DHI method which he works with might be actually better. 

And for that I would like to hear your thoughts - 

  1. Why many people consider DHI a hair mil? I spoke to Chris my self and I know some people personally who did the procedure with him, his clinic is doing very few patients a day (I think 2-3 at the most) not like the Turkish real hair mil clinics such as Sarkan etc… and only him and Martina are doing the procedure. (What’s the difference from HDC for example?)
  2. Would you say DHI is better? From what I have read and seen it makes a lot of sense why DHI method can be better, for couple reasons - a. The trauma for the scalp is probably lower because instead of opening channel and then place the graft (2 times of messing with the scalp) it happens at once with the choi pen direct implementation . B. I have seen with my own eyes patients from both methods and the DHI ones actually heal much faster. c. Its newer, It makes a lot of sense to me why doctors with 20 years of expirence wouldn’t change their technique all of a sudden just because there is new option in the market. I know many people think the complete opposite and I would be happy to hear why? also if there are people here who got a failure hair transplant with that method or any of those doctors please tell me about your experience.

To summarize, which of those doctors would you go with? Would you recommend the DHI method?

Last thing, I would add some photos soon, but for now I would just say I got around 3000-3500 grafts estimation from few different clinics so far so its probably around there. (Its only for front part of the head and the hairline) 





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One more thing I forgot to mention, my biggest issue with Chris, is that I just couldnt find much of information about him from international people. I only know a few Israelis who went to him, but they all did it with in the last 1-2 years, and I would feel much more comfortable to go to him I could see more reviews from years back

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  • Senior Member

Personally, I think if you’re not finding enough real customer results to make you feel comfortable with a clinic, you should skip them. 

Hair transplantation is a permanent surgery. You can’t un-ring the bell. A botched surgery or bad result is much much worse than doing nothing at all.

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  • Regular Member

Spanish clinics like Lorenzo, Freitas, couto, Villa, use DHI method with Choi implanter. The advantage is that the doctor himself implants the grafts and not the techs. Also with Choi implanter there is less trauma to the scalp and the grafts are more safe and with less probabilities to get damaged during implantation. 
Dr turan also uses DHI method..

So I think you could go with dr Chris. Does he do the extraction of the grafts too? What’s his price per graft ? 

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