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New Member- How to approach my hair loss?

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Hey guys thanks for this great forum. I just recently came across this forum and find the information invaluable. I am a 24 year old man and I would say I started losing my hair when I was around 18. At first it was mostly in the crown of my head and thus I began using Rogaine. I used it quite regularly up until two years ago but I stopped because I don't think it gave me results and my hair loss took the pattern of MPB.


The hair loss has accelerated greatly during the past two years since I began medical school. I guess the stress has taken its toll. I began using finasteride in October of this year and took it for about a month but the side effects were not cool. It gave me gynecomastia (enlargement of my breasts). I think my erections were weaker also. Of course these are usually expected side effects. So I stopped it. I took 1.25 mg per day (dividing proscar into 4 pieces lol).


Now the hair is very thin and it will probably be a matter of months before I lose it all. It does affect my confidence of course, but at this stage I am so busy with school that I don't notice it much haha. But of course I like to do something about it. I made an appointment for a free consultation at a local Hair Club branch for next Wed. Being in medical school and always being so busy all the time, today was the first time I actually got a chance to look into the hair transplantation website and also read the horrible reviews of Hair Club. I thought they would talk about hair transplantation surgery and considering that it was a free consult I thought I had nothing to lose. But I have read that they are very good at forcing people to sign up for contracts for their "matrix" system. So I will cancel my appointment ASAP haha. Thank goodness for the Interneticon_biggrin.gif.


So I think I have a few options. I am thinking that I restart taking finasteride. In fact since last night I began taking a 1.25 mg dose. Maybe my gynecomastia on my last trial was from my lack of exercise during that period when I first began taking it in mid October. I was very busy with school back then and now I am working out regularly. I should mention that I have large pectoralis major muscles in my chest to begin with b/c I used to swim a lot back in high school. But I don't necessarily have breast tissue like some men so that's why I blamed finasteride for the breast enlargement and also when I stopped it, the problem seemed to go away. But I will use it again for at least two weeks to see if the side effects kick in again.


I don't think I will go back to rogaine though b/c I don't think it worked for me. What other options do you guys think are possible for me?


I have posted a picture of my scalp. Considering my age and the pattern of my hair loss do you think it is too early for me to look into surgery? Of course I am hoping to be able to tolerate finasteride so that at least I can keep what I got. I appreciate your response and will continue to read this website for very useful information.


Merry Christmas!

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  • Senior Member

Welcome Balding1985,


Personally, I'd rule out a transplant at this time, your hair loss hasn't stabilized at the moment and looking at your photo there is little doubt you're heading for a NW6+.


You stated that Minoxidil didn't seem to be working for you but you also said your loss has accelerated greatly in the last 2 years and that you stopped using the Minoxidil 2 years ago. We all hope that the meds will regrow hair, however they are best at slowing/stopping further loss. Given the fact your loss accelerated around the same time as you stopped using Rogaine, its highly likely the Minoxidil was sustaining your hair. If I was you I would start using it again and consider a higher dose.


Have you considered taking Finasteride at a lower dose, maybe 1mg or 0.75mg per day? If you still have issues with it you could consider alternatives such as Saw Palmetto or some others listed -here- .


I would also add Ketoconazole (Nizoral, Revita etc). The benefits may be minimal but every little helps.


In my opinion, this site really is the best place to be if you are suffering with hair loss and/or considering a transplant, you will get all the help you need here. I'm glad you found it before visiting the "Hair Club Branch", I'd steer clear of there, they will offer you the world and have you in the chair before you know what's happening. You shouldn't even consult with these guys.


If you want the opinion of a doctor, choose one from -here- , everyone on that list has been prescreened by the site.

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Thanks for your quick response Maxxy. I very much appreciate it. About Rogaine I would say I was still using it on and off until last year but not regularly. I was using mostly the liquid solution and not the foam, and I just did not know how best to apply it to my scalp as I was losing more and more from the beginning of my hairline with MPB. I mean Rogaine itself says that it is best suited for crown hair loss. But I guess it doesn't really matter as long as I apply it to all the the thinning areas.


Also I do have a lot of body hair ironically (I have seen a lot of guys like myself with a bald/balding hair and lots of body hair icon_frown.gif) so I was worried that by using Rogaine even though I was being careful I might accidentally cause more hair growth on my body. But I think you are right. I will probably need to go back to foam rogaine. This way I would not worry about it spilling on my body that much.


The reason I was using 1.25 mg finasteride was b/c I was able to get proscar which is generic and much cheaper and just simply divide it. But I guess if the side effects turn out to be bad again I should seriosuly consider propecia. I don't realy think a 0.25 mg change would make much of a difference, but different bodies might react differently to smaller dosages.


I live in central PA and I guess the closest approved Drs to me are Dr. Lindsey in VA and Dr. Vogel in MD. As you said Maxxy, a transplant at this point in my life is probably not a good idea. First, my hair loss has not stabilized yet and also as a poor medical student I do not have the luxury of spending this kind of money. It will be at least 6.5 years before I will have a substantial enough income as a practicing physician. My residency will begin in 1.5 years and my income will be about 50K per year and will remain that way for about 5 years depending on what exact field until I am done and then will come the income of 250K and above (I don't know with health care reform though icon_confused.gif). I guess I could still save enough money during residency if I continue to live a simple life. I have been surviving on $13,000 a year on student loans so I think 50K (minus taxes of course) will seem like a lot. But perhaps I can still do a free consult now at this stage with these docs online and tell them about my situation. I really think if my current pattern of hair loss continues and if the finasteride doesn't help I will be completely bald in about 2-3 years. Stress of medical school/residency does not help either.


Thanks for all the help and I will keep reading into this website. icon_cool.gif

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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by Maxxy:


In my opinion, this site really is the best place to be if you are suffering with hair loss and/or considering a transplant, you will get all the help you need here. I'm glad you found it before visiting the "Hair Club Branch", I'd steer clear of there, they will offer you the world and have you in the chair before you know what's happening. You shouldn't even consult with these guys.


If you want the opinion of a doctor, choose one from -here- , everyone on that list has been prescreened by the site.


This is one of the better site.We are or seem to be allowed to speak our minds.Some of the other sites delete postings on a regular basis,especially if its a posting knocking one of there adverisers.


As for your hairloss.If I was you I'd shave it all off,which does look quite good on younger men,then if your not happy in a year or two and hairloss as stabalized,have a few consultations with some top HT surgeons.

In the meantime to a bit of research,the more research the more knowledge you will have.

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Yeah, I'd try the foam if I was you and apply it to all the thinning areas, however, Minoxidil is really something you need to commit to. Using on and off will do you more harm than good.


You can still cut Proscar into 5 - ok, the pieces won't be exact, but they'll be close enough. Some people also dissolve the 5mg tablet in alcohol (vodka would suffice) then put the liquid in a syringe, making it easier to dispense the required dose. You say the 0.25mg-0.5mg won't make a difference and of course this may be true in your case but I have read many times of people suffering side effects and later reducing the dose by small amounts resulting in decreased or eradication of the side effects.


I agree there is no harm in getting some consultations and opinions online, if you can - I would also try to consult with a doctor in person. I have very little experience with Dr. Vogel (I'm sure he will do his best to advise you), as for Dr Lindsey - he is a regular on these forums and seems very friendly, caring and helpful. Personally, if I was close to his clinic I'd definitely pay him a visit.

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To be honest, if you aren't a good candidate for a transplant (and I think I'd agree that that is the case) and you definitely won't be able to afford a transplant for a good few years yet (by which time your hair might have changed considerably), then I'm not sure what good consultations would do at this stage.


That sounds terribly negative but I think it's reasonable.


You should definitely try getting back on the rogaine and see how you do on a slightly lower dose of proscar. I split mine into four, as you did, but I don't see why you couldn't split it down further if you have a sharp enough blade. (I'm sure you have access to unlimited scalpels!) It won't matter if the daily dose isn't exactly the same each time, it's just important that the drug remains in your system.


It doesn't sound like you're letting your hairloss interfere with your schooling which is good. I wouldn't blame the stresses of medical school for your hairloss. Lots of guys suffer from aggressive hairloss at a young age without any specific stressor to pin it on. It's likely that you'd be exactly where you are now regardless of what career path you chose.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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To be honest, if you aren't a good candidate for a transplant (and I think I'd agree that that is the case) and you definitely won't be able to afford a transplant for a good few years yet (by which time your hair might have changed considerably), then I'm not sure what good consultations would do at this stage.


I actually disagree with Mattj, where as I agree that a transplant should be a definite no go at this point as stated above (even if your finances allowed it), and maybe online consults are also a little futile at this point. There is benefits to consulting with a transplant doctor in person or at the very least - a good dermatologist (specialising in hair loss).


They will be able to advise you on your loss, discuss your options, give advice on treatment and most importantly monitor your loss from time A to B. Members on this forum can of course help with the first few points (and I'm sure they will) but as for monitoring your situation, it would really help to have a professional keep track of any loss or gains.


There is also the benefit of getting a doctor's opinion on what options may be open to you in the future and how beneficial a transplant may be to you in the worst case scenario (reaching a NW6+). He/she will be able to check things such as your hair characteristics, available donor, and scalp laxity among others.

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I appreciate all the responses. I have to admit that I am guility of not looking into better hair loss solutions early on. But when I was so worried about doing well in school, cosmetics did not take priority. Also I always thought to myself (mistakenly of course) that medical therapy for my hair will eventually have to be replaced with a surgical replacement so I did not look into discovering and adhering all the possible options.


In other words, I thought there was no point in keeping what I got and slowing the loss b/c surgery will be eventually necessary. Stupid mentality but that's what happens when you work/study 14 hours a day and don't have time to give things more thorough thought and do enough research icon_rolleyes.gif . But of course that's when winter break comes in. haha.


Well, unfortunately none of the docs recommended on this forum are affiliated with my school. So I wouldn't be able to use faculty connections but then again these docs seem very caring and friendly so I am sure they will help as much as they can. I can try to see a good dermatologist at my school as much as my limited finances allow. They need to make their money you know.


Since school takes priority at this point, I might have to suffice my contacts to online only. I was wondering whether these recommended surgeons do free consultations in person? I was not sure about that.


Again, I will certainly take your recommended medical treatments more seriously and thank you for yor input.

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