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"If you are 20 and NW2 or so you would be crazy not to be on fin, but no need if you are nw6 and 50 years old"


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I just saw this from one of our excellent moderators, but I'm not sure that's how I would feel.

If I'm 20 years old not hurting my virility has max priority. Even if I go bald, I'll just go to the gym and still have plenty of 'fun'. When would I risk sides from fin? Maybe when I'm 50 or 60 because then I'm might be a grand dad and that side of life is far less important for most than for a young guy. 

So if someone truly thinks fin is risky, then going on it as young seems much more crazy than going on it late in life.


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I think it’s about risk-reward. If you’re a NW2 without fin, you’re not even eligible for a surgery imho. I’d say that a surgery could get someone who is planned to be a NW7 to a NW3 through several procedures. So if you’re fine accepting that, then there’s no need for fin. But if you want a NW1.5 level hairline, only meds can help you get there. 

If you’re NW6, there’s not much hair left to save so it’s just probably not worth the same risk of side effects as everyone else with minimum benefit. You need to get a transplant anyways – might as well stick another thousands grafts to cover a NW7. Some may argue that you would be a candidate at NW6 but not NW7, so you need to take meds. But I don’t buy that because in my opinion, you should never rely on meds to maintain a transplant. That’s just poor planning. And sure transplanted hair may thin, but even most NW7 I’ve seen still have good donor that’s just barely thinned.  

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21 minutes ago, Fox243 said:

I think it’s about risk-reward. If you’re a NW2 without fin, you’re not even eligible for a surgery imho. I’d say that a surgery could get someone who is planned to be a NW7 to a NW3 through several procedures. So if you’re fine accepting that, then there’s no need for fin. But if you want a NW1.5 level hairline, only meds can help you get there. 

If you’re NW6, there’s not much hair left to save so it’s just probably not worth the same risk of side effects as everyone else with minimum benefit. You need to get a transplant anyways – might as well stick another thousands grafts to cover a NW7. Some may argue that you would be a candidate at NW6 but not NW7, so you need to take meds. But I don’t buy that because in my opinion, you should never rely on meds to maintain a transplant. That’s just poor planning. And sure transplanted hair may thin, but even most NW7 I’ve seen still have good donor that’s just barely thinned.  

Sure. For me, if I'm NW1, 2 or 3 wouldn't really impact me. All good still, so messing with fin at a young age would be crazy. 


On the other hand completely nw6 or 7 at around 50 that would not be great. Plus the downside to sides at that age is not nearly as big a loss.


So yes, definitely tisk reward. I guess my point is that nothing could get me t o  take any chance in my 20ties in terms of virility etc. And certainly nothing to do with hair. There is no hair upside the t would make up for the t. Then I'd rather go to the gym and buzz or shave while not risking virility. So in terms of value there is not enough upside at thst age for the potential downside.


With age th t changes. At a point those things become less important. Hair also become less important but compared to virility it always was less important, and at least at 50+ trying to have a ht and being I n fin would be far less scary than earlier on. Sure, there is not as much hair left to save but there is also much less to lose in the other department. So on the balance it seems like an okay risk reward later in life, and a much more risky idea earlier in life. If one believe that fin is dangerous to take.

Finally, I agree that a ht preferably should not depend on taking me 's because Noone knows if that will be possible. This is another reason why ht and fin are better and less risky to consider later in life. Because at that stage more hair has been lost and the ht might have to cover all and the dependence on medicine is low while st rating young with a low nw will always make the ht dependent on medicine (or multiple hts).

Edited by Xanadu
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Gather information, analysis, and opinion that is or at least seem trustworthy and logical, after that you weigh the risk and benefit yourself, then make an informed decision.

There is no absolute right or wrong on if you should or not with HT and the meds.

Consensus in the end are just consensus, they are good to abide by most of the time, but not necessarily a must heed.

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11 hours ago, Xanadu said:

I just saw this from one of our excellent moderators, but I'm not sure that's how I would feel.

If I'm 20 years old not hurting my virility has max priority. Even if I go bald, I'll just go to the gym and still have plenty of 'fun'. When would I risk sides from fin? Maybe when I'm 50 or 60 because then I'm might be a grand dad and that side of life is far less important for most than for a young guy. 

So if someone truly thinks fin is risky, then going on it as young seems much more crazy than going on it late in life.


It is a horrible take and just misinformation.

First, if you go bald at 20, how does that give you more dating chances lol. You’re not the only one hitting the gym bro and NW0 hitting the gym will steal the girl. The whole Andrew tate mascular bald guy appeals to other guys but not women definitely not young girls. Andrew tate without money and fame is just a loudmouth ugly bald guy lol. It’s devastating to be a bald guy at such a young age, I guess it will work for gay guys because guys are into the gym naked mole rat look more but not for straight guys. 

Second, have you ever used finasteride? It doesn’t hurt your virility, what BS. 

I agree with Melvins opinion if he did say it. At such an old age if you stay NW6, yeah you’re not going NW7 or going NW7 very slowly. What’s the point of adding medication when you probably are using other medication to stay alive at that age 

Your opinion appears to be of someone who has zero experience of baldness at young age or with finasteride. Young bald guys get bullied in school/college/university, if you save your confidence somehow after all the bullying, there won’t be much left when the girl rejects you. No amount of gym time will give you confidence then. I mean mate, there’s a guy on this forum who dumped by his fiancé at 24, tell him to hit the gym and be andrew Tate, that will make him the ladies man 😂


As someone who lost hairs at 30 because I was afraid of finasteride, I wish I had started fin earlier. I feel the devastating effects of baldness in my 30s, I can’t imagine how horrible my life would’ve been if it had happened in my 20s. 

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1 hour ago, LookMaxx said:

It is a horrible take and just misinformation.

First, if you go bald at 20, how does that give you more dating chances lol. You’re not the only one hitting the gym bro and NW0 hitting the gym will steal the girl. The whole Andrew tate mascular bald guy appeals to other guys but not women definitely not young girls. Andrew tate without money and fame is just a loudmouth ugly bald guy lol. It’s devastating to be a bald guy at such a young age, I guess it will work for gay guys because guys are into the gym naked mole rat look more but not for straight guys. 

Second, have you ever used finasteride? It doesn’t hurt your virility, what BS. 

I agree with Melvins opinion if he did say it. At such an old age if you stay NW6, yeah you’re not going NW7 or going NW7 very slowly. What’s the point of adding medication when you probably are using other medication to stay alive at that age 

Your opinion appears to be of someone who has zero experience of baldness at young age or with finasteride. Young bald guys get bullied in school/college/university, if you save your confidence somehow after all the bullying, there won’t be much left when the girl rejects you. No amount of gym time will give you confidence then. I mean mate, there’s a guy on this forum who dumped by his fiancé at 24, tell him to hit the gym and be andrew Tate, that will make him the ladies man 😂


As someone who lost hairs at 30 because I was afraid of finasteride, I wish I had started fin earlier. I feel the devastating effects of baldness in my 30s, I can’t imagine how horrible my life would’ve been if it had happened in my 20s. 

Before someone comes around again and just calls this incel bs, I unfortunately can attest to this. I was 15-16 when my hair loss started and it was a horrible, horrible time. I was a very happy dude until then with zero problems in school, my social life was nice, I was fairly popular at school, I did a lot of sports, but this really changed everything. I started developing social anxiety. I did not want to show my grandpa hair to other people. I was always funny and could also take jokes on me, but it got super extreme. I was the butt of jokes at 18/19, everywhere I went comments were made, once I remember when ordering food the cashier said "bad luck eh", in a nightclub the bartender told me ironically "nice haircut", etc. I got comments by girls about it, even though I have to say they were more sensitive about it. I went to therapy, tried anti-anxiety relaxation methods, I hit the gym, looked for other hobbys, developed new interests one of which led to me pursuing a degree, I tried to focus my efforts on uni, got really well. I cannot say I have had a bad life, but I still felt horrible the way I looked. At 20 I shaved it down, it felt liberating at first, but I could not picture myself being the bald for the rest of my life. I did not want to be the 20 year old bald guy, and even though you can perfectly argue that the fact I hated it probably led to women not being a big fan of the look ("everything is confidence"), I think the most likely thing is that it is a combination of feeling self-concious, but then to a good degree also the fact that 99% of guys their age had perfect hair. I feel like people always search for other factors (confidence, some deeper x factor), but partly it is also just the fact that it looks worse/odd in a 20 year old to be bald. Simple as that.

That is why I have a problem with people saying "just go to therapy, it is something deeper". There is a very clear causal factor at play, in which other scenario people suddenly start playing Sigmund Freud and tell young guys it is "something deeper"? I find this quite encroaching and these people never have been trained as psychologists as far as I know. It gives these guys the impression that their emotional reaction to this is not normal and something else is wrong with them, so they feel guilty even though they literally deal with a condition which probably affects <1% of their peers? Why is it so hard to accept that a physical change which is regarded quite negative by society and decreases a persons aesthethic appearance by quite a bit leads to depressive behavior? The projection of it being progressive worsening over time is probably not the best news as well? People would not attest "it is something deeper" if someone lost his eyebrows I suppose? It is just that hair loss is not really taken serious by society and bald shaming is still a thing.

Edited by davidn
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1 hour ago, LookMaxx said:

It is a horrible take and just misinformation.

First, if you go bald at 20, how does that give you more dating chances lol. You’re not the only one hitting the gym bro and NW0 hitting the gym will steal the girl. The whole Andrew tate mascular bald guy appeals to other guys but not women definitely not young girls. Andrew tate without money and fame is just a loudmouth ugly bald guy lol. It’s devastating to be a bald guy at such a young age, I guess it will work for gay guys because guys are into the gym naked mole rat look more but not for straight guys. 

Second, have you ever used finasteride? It doesn’t hurt your virility, what BS. 

I agree with Melvins opinion if he did say it. At such an old age if you stay NW6, yeah you’re not going NW7 or going NW7 very slowly. What’s the point of adding medication when you probably are using other medication to stay alive at that age 

Your opinion appears to be of someone who has zero experience of baldness at young age or with finasteride. Young bald guys get bullied in school/college/university, if you save your confidence somehow after all the bullying, there won’t be much left when the girl rejects you. No amount of gym time will give you confidence then. I mean mate, there’s a guy on this forum who dumped by his fiancé at 24, tell him to hit the gym and be andrew Tate, that will make him the ladies man 😂


As someone who lost hairs at 30 because I was afraid of finasteride, I wish I had started fin earlier. I feel the devastating effects of baldness in my 30s, I can’t imagine how horrible my life would’ve been if it had happened in my 20s. 

I think it all comes down to whether finasteride is dangerous and can make a guy impotent. 

Melvin seems to think that it definitely can and there is a real and present danger of it. Hence, why he said it would be crazy to use if 50 years old and NW5 or 6. 

Well, if finasteride really is that dangerous, then it seems to me that it would be even worse to use as a young 20 something NW2 or 3. Because that guy can still get plenty of girls, but whats the purpose if he is impotent? 

I'm not saying (and I probably don't even believe so) that fin definitely will hurt virility (or make breasts etc), but that was Melvin's reason why someone older with higher NW 'would be crazy to use fin'. So we cannot have it both ways, either its dangeorous or its not, and if it is then it seems that losing erectile function etc is even worse for a 20 year old - and if that happens do you think he (or his girlsfriend) will be happy that at least he has hair? No, it will be a tragedy. 

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6 hours ago, Xanadu said:

I think it all comes down to whether finasteride is dangerous and can make a guy impotent. 

Melvin seems to think that it definitely can and there is a real and present danger of it. Hence, why he said it would be crazy to use if 50 years old and NW5 or 6. 

Well, if finasteride really is that dangerous, then it seems to me that it would be even worse to use as a young 20 something NW2 or 3. Because that guy can still get plenty of girls, but whats the purpose if he is impotent? 

I'm not saying (and I probably don't even believe so) that fin definitely will hurt virility (or make breasts etc), but that was Melvin's reason why someone older with higher NW 'would be crazy to use fin'. So we cannot have it both ways, either its dangeorous or its not, and if it is then it seems that losing erectile function etc is even worse for a 20 year old - and if that happens do you think he (or his girlsfriend) will be happy that at least he has hair? No, it will be a tragedy. 

Yeah if finasteride is considered dangerous and a definite boner killer then it would be infinitely worse for young guys. And even for old people.

Thankfully that’s not the case and the fear of finasteride is worse than its sides

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21 hours ago, Xanadu said:

Maybe when I'm 50 or 60 because then I'm might be a grand dad and that side of life is far less important for most than for a young guy. 

Dude you are so far off the mark. Sex is not far less important (and I'm 55). The only thing is that you have a hell of a lot of other responsibilities than you or I had/have at age 20. At 20 all I was concerned with was where is the next party. 

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You can get ED from Fin or not get it, but you can get it and still have the drive and still be the same testosterone filled you that you've always been (ED aside).  And the sides are reversible through the right means.  And @LookMaxx, you're wrong to completely push aside the idea of side effects.  They happen and just because you didn't suffer them doesn't mean others haven't.  Also, you referencing some guy on this forum who supposedly got dumped by his fiancee (in part due to his baldness) is completely inane. Who knows if that story is true and who cares.   Your username betrays your judgement.   Sure, we should strive to look our best (I sure do), but to literally be so obsessed with it that you make it your username and act like "nothing" can give bald dudes confidence is ABSURD.  I'm sorry you lost your hair, but that doesn't make it right or reasonable to talk as if all dudes who lose hair are finished.  They're not.

As for the topic, now that topical fin and topical dut are available, those seem like a good choice for someone dead set against oral fin.  Also, this topic has been talked to absolute death.  It's everyone's own personal choice what decisions they're willing to make, but asking random people on the internet whether you should take a risk to jump on fin is childish.  As is this inane hypothetical scenario.  If someone were to be bald at 50 or 60, jumping on fin would be ridiculous.  It would be pointless.  Likewise, if someone cared deeply about their hair and felt they were losing it, it would be somewhat crazy for them not to try .5 of fin and work their way up.  Or at least try nizoral.  Nothingburger hypothetical solved.

Edited by John1991
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10 hours ago, John1991 said:

And @LookMaxx, you're wrong to completely push aside the idea of side effects.  They happen and just because you didn't suffer them doesn't mean others haven't.  Also, you referencing some guy on this forum who supposedly got dumped by his fiancee (in part due to his baldness) is completely inane. Who knows if that story is true and who cares.   Your username betrays your judgement.   Sure, we should strive to look our best (I sure do), but to literally be so obsessed with it that you make it your username and act like "nothing" can give bald dudes confidence is ABSURD.  I'm sorry you lost your hair, but that doesn't make it right or reasonable to talk as if all dudes who lose hair are finished.  They're not.

What would the guy gain by lying about being dumped? He also has disappeared after making that post clearly depressed and in emotional distress would be my guess. 




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