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Eugenix packages - more money to risk a worse result?

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I'm trying to decide between the premium package and the super premium package at Eugenix. They both involve Dr. Bansal. The premium package costs 2.64 USD per graft, and stipulates that slit creation is done by the Dr. and extraction and implantation are done by techs. The super premium package costs 4.39 USD per graft, and stipulates that slit creation + all extraction + some implantation is done by the Dr., with the remaining implantation done by techs. 

But it seems like it would be exhausting for one person to do slit creation AND all the extraction (and then on top of that, some implantation too). You might be risking a worse result just because of the exhaustion factor. Money is not a huge factor for me here as I would rather pay more for a higher chance of a successful result, but I almost feel more comfortable going with the cheaper option so the Dr. can focus her energy on the slit creation alone and just have techs take care of the extraction and implantation, which I gather can usually be competently done by techs (and are generally done by techs in most top clinics).

What do you guys think? I would be getting 1000-1500 grafts. Thanks.

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  • Regular Member
19 minutes ago, g8n2h9k3u7 said:

I'm trying to decide between the premium package and the super premium package at Eugenix. They both involve Dr. Bansal. The premium package costs 2.64 USD per graft, and stipulates that slit creation is done by the Dr. and extraction and implantation are done by techs. The super premium package costs 4.39 USD per graft, and stipulates that slit creation + all extraction + some implantation is done by the Dr., with the remaining implantation done by techs. 

But it seems like it would be exhausting for one person to do slit creation AND all the extraction (and then on top of that, some implantation too). You might be risking a worse result just because of the exhaustion factor. Money is not a huge factor for me here as I would rather pay more for a higher chance of a successful result, but I almost feel more comfortable going with the cheaper option so the Dr. can focus her energy on the slit creation alone and just have techs take care of the extraction and implantation, which I gather can usually be competently done by techs (and are generally done by techs in most top clinics).

What do you guys think? I would be getting 1000-1500 grafts. Thanks.

Hello buddy, I will advise you to opt for super premium package as you only need 1000-1500, I personally had opted for the premium pack. 

One more thing to add on, Dr. Bansal Planning and designing is something I will bet on, You will be on cloud nine as she will be considering your suggestions as well, plus when inside the Operation theatre, all will try to make you comfortable. Only limitation is some of the technicians don't speak English. 
P.s - The staff there are great, counsellors in the operation theatre will take care of you so as the doctors. 


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40 minutes ago, g8n2h9k3u7 said:

Money is not a huge factor for me here as I would rather pay more for a higher chance of a successful result

I don't see your results being compromised at all. I think what may be compromised is your psychology. If you can afford the top package and you have a relatively low number of grafts (well compared to me anyway 🤣) then I think the top package will give you peace of mind. Whatever it is that you feel will make the experience and results better for you should be your choice. Either way, you will be treated like a king! All the best!

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An exhausted skilled person can still do better than a fresh unskilled one. 

But you’re overthinking this. If the doctor is exhausted he or she can take a break or do it in multiple sessions which they do. There are some doctors that I know eg Pekiner that do small multiple day sessions because that’s the most he can handle.

Also to you it seems like a big deal but they have done this day in day out for so long that for them it’s second nature. Like someone solving a rubik puzzle within seconds but we can’t do it in hours lol or F1 drivers driving same lap times for 77 laps without mistakes. There is a difference between you and someone else who is master of their field. To you, it will exhaust you and take forever, to a skilled person they can do it with their eyes closed simply from motor memory alone. 

Hope this makes sense to you

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Also the reason doctors involvement is rated and charged highly is because you know that person is the constant who has been doing it and gaining skills. 

Unnamed technicians they change and who knows may even get fired and new ones hired every single week. They’re really cheap menial labour guys completely disposable. This is why hairmills are a hit and a miss because you don’t know if the tech is a new guy or is the same for years.

Hairmills would actually produce top class results if their techs stayed constant simply due to the sheer number of cases they do and that means more skill and experience gained. At the end of the day it’s just moving hairs from one spot to another, do it a million times and you become good at it. 

You should use some business thinking and understand how these clinics work. It is a menial work and when a doctor earns enough money/fame, he’s not going to waste his time doing this menial labor. That’s where techs come in who are cheap labour essentially, they’re given training and they do the brunt of the work. They’re replaceable, disposable, some techs might find better high paying jobs and move on. The good clinics try to give best training to new techs to maintain quality but at the end of the day it’s still a new unskilled person learning the ropes. 

Once you understand all this, you’re not going to put your precious grafts under the control of some unnamed tech who you don’t know is his first day or 1000th day. 

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Not wanting to hijack the thread but I’m in a similar dilemma. I have been quoted 4700 grafts and the person I’m working with is pushing me for the super premium package which is Rs 350 + tax while I’m asking about their Comprehensive (Rs 75 + tax) and the Exclusive package (Rs 120 + tax). Is the Exclusive package much superior to the Comprehensive package ? My affordability is more towards the comprehensive but I can stretch myself and probably afford the Exclusive package but their top tier package is beyond my budget. Given this is such a transformational procedure, I don’t want to compromise on quality. 

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