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Did/do you experience itching or burning with mpb?


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"It didn't hurt", what some male relatives, and one or two old guys said to me over the years when talking about going bald. 

Wish I could say the same. Even though I'd say my loss isn't aggressive I have experienced a fair bit of scalp itch and pain over the years. Pretty much exclusively in the area I'm thinning in. Not debilitating or anything but just annoying. 

Seems to be still a lot of doctors who say this is nothing to do with androgenic alopecia. 

Started a low dose of fin a couple of weeks ago, which seemed to help alot to begin with but had a bit of pain the last 2 days.

Washing hair normally gets rid of it for a day or 2, but repeated washing with shampoo (head and shoulders) only seems to make things worse after a week.

Anyone here experience this? What do you believe the cause is? Is it directly associated with dht in the scalp or a secondary condition like seb derm? (My scalp is redder in the affected area)

Thanks for reading. Interested to hear from anyone else

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It seems strange to me that you could have noticed a help from Finasteride by taking it (among other things in a reduced dose) for only two weeks, and also the pain (which I did not understand where it hurt you) is strange after only two weeks of taking it , in any case, could you post some photos to see if you can understand the condition of your scalp and the redness you speak of?

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  • Regular Member
2 minutes ago, ITA said:

It seems strange to me that you could have noticed a help from Finasteride by taking it (among other things in a reduced dose) for only two weeks, and also the pain (which I did not understand where it hurt you) is strange after only two weeks of taking it , in any case, could you post some photos to see if you can understand the condition of your scalp and the redness you speak of?

I'll see what I can do regarding photos I tried to get them before but it didn't show up well on camera. Essentially scalp is white where I'm not experiencing thinning but it's redder, (but not bright red) where I am.

I read a lot of reports of guys with balding experiencing scalp itch/burn. Some claimed it was literally dht attacking the hair follicles which I thought seemed over dramatic. Others claim its inflammation on the scalp, while others say its a seb derm caused by increased sebum production. 

A low dose of fin seems to be helping but, I've don't things before which seemed to help for a bit to

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Funny you should mention this. Back when I experienced my first crushing wave of hairloss (At 27, following a traumatic period in my life) when I went full NW2 and the slow progress to NW3 began, I remember that I would feel my temples and front of my scalp go numb and tingle for no particular reason. I've never experienced this since, not even when my NW3 switched to NW4 in my late 30's, again, following a traumatic period. 

But I remember that numbness clearly, I've never experienced anything like it before or since. 

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Yes. When I was young and my hair loss was very aggressive I would get a stinging pain in the areas where hair was about to go into a massive shed. Putting my hands through my hair would be very painful. I hated even trying to comb those areas because it would hurt.



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