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Am I balding?


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Hi Im 23 years old, I wear hats a lot but lately i think I have started to lose so much hair,  my hair rearly get the sunlight. I dont hold my hat for too long just like 2 hours a day when Im on my way to work. Will my hair grow back if I get treatment and stop wearing hats? Im already depressed I don't need this too now 😔 




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It looks like you have early signs of male pattern baldness. Your best bet would be to see a dermatologist and rule out options that may be out of the ordinary. They can prescribe you with medical treatments (finasteride, prp, oral minoxidil, nizoral shampoo, etc.). 


Treatments you can do without prescriptions or medical administration would be topical fin/dut (which actually depends on where you live), derma rolling combined with minoxidil. 

There are some medical treatments you can get discounts on for example LLP or PRP through apps (groupon) or your local deals. But in my best opinion would be to see your prmiary care physican (PCP) and get a general check up which is usually free in the US and address your concerns and try to get a referral if you need to see a specialist. 

Outside of that, I believe if you start the medications early you may prevent future significant loss and potentially regrow some miniaturized hairs in the resting phase.


Just so you know, none of the treatments are immediate and will take time and they will not be permanent. Do no go into thinking if you take this one time you are done. These medications are needed for repetition and daily use (or weekly/monthly depending on what you do).

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3 hours ago, Jeremmy said:

Will my hair grow back if I get treatment and stop wearing hats?

Are you thinking that hats are causing MPB? If you are then they have no role in MPB. I think as has been mentioned you should perhaps get a referral to a dermatologist. Options such as minoxidil and finasteride are available. But to be honest it's very hard to tell by photos if you do have the beginnings of MPB or is it just the light exposure on the crown? Don't stress and all the best!

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Hats and helmets do not cause hair loss.  You could wear them all day long, if you have no MPB in your genes, you'll never lose hair, simple as this. 

You look like you have a full head of naturally fine hair. Are you shedding excessively? It's also normal to lose up to 100 hairs per day. As the esteemed colleagues have mentioned, if you are really paranoid, see a dermatologist specializing in hairloss to set your mind at ease but really, you are fine. Go away and come back in 10 years please.

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Put a hair catcher in your shower drain.  If you're losing 100+ hairs in the shower everyday consistently, you're losing your hair.  Count them roughly and you'll have a pretty decent indicator of whether you're losing.  Based on the pictures, I'd say you're in pretty good shape and look like you have a fairly normal head of fine hair.  It's pretty normal for scalp to show in the cowlick/partline region to some extent.  Definitely use Nizoral 2-3 times a week and consider minoxidil too, though.  That may well be enough to improve your situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 29.08.2022 at 01:11, Jeremmy said:

Merhaba 23 yaşındayım, çok şapka takıyorum ama son zamanlarda saçlarımın çok dökülmeye başladığını düşünüyorum, saçlarım arkadan güneş ışığı alıyor. İşe giderken günde 2 saat gibi çok uzun süre şapkamı tutmuyorum. Tedavi olup şapka takmayı bırakırsam saçlarım tekrar uzar mı? Zaten depresyondayım buna da ihtiyacım yok artık 😔 




Hi friend! First of all, please dont worry. Of course you can solve this problem soon! 

I think stress, environmental problems, genetic affects hair loss. (If someone from your family has hair loss, this may be genetic)

You can try using health care products, or talk to an expert about it.

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