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Hair maturation and thickening. Fine hair.

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Virtually everything I read states that transplanted hair will gradually thicken and naturalize over time.  It starts off wiry/kinkyish and then over time naturalizes to be like the rest of your hair.  For someone with fine/soft hair, wouldn't this part of the naturalization process actually lead to the hairs becoming thinner as opposed to thicker?  Thus the density overall would be worse as time progressed?  It seems based on progression pictures that even fine haired patients improve with time, so that leads me to think the hair does thicken. Is it possible for the hair to both naturalize and thicken for someone with fine/soft hair?  I'm not talking about super thin fine hair, but fine/soft hair that's of average caliber thickness-wise.  Thanks in advance for any response.  

Edited by John1991
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  • Senior Member
41 minutes ago, John1991 said:

Virtually everything I read states that transplanted hair will gradually thicken and naturalize over time.  It starts off wiry/kinkyish and then over time naturalizes to be like the rest of your hair.  For someone with fine/soft hair, wouldn't this part of the naturalization process actually lead to the hairs becoming thinner as opposed to thicker?  Thus the density overall would be worse as time progressed?  It seems based on progression pictures that even fine haired patients improve with time, so that leads me to think the hair does thicken. Is it possible for the hair to both naturalize and thicken for someone with fine/soft hair?  I'm not talking about super thin fine hair, but fine/soft hair that's of average caliber thickness-wise.  Thanks in advance for any response.  

I am not expert and my hair is apparently more medium in nature for thickness but what i do know is that the hair that was transplanted just over 3 months ago, it's thinner than some of the more native hair and i think everybody says this is normal for transplanted hair. It can take quite a few months i think. It's probably better to see it as a very slow process that does and cab continue for up to 12 months for people. 

I'm hoping i can see an improvement in density and thickness too over the next 3 months towards the halfway point. 

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I think it's possible for transplanted hair to thicken even as it transitions from wiry to straight/fine.  That seems to be the overwhelming sentiment, though I ask because I have read a few people note that their hair got thinner as it matured (which seems counterintuitive because even though fine hair is thinner, the coarse hair early on is thinner than the rest of my fine hair, so that it would end up thinner still makes no sense).  As for the growth process, I think it varies.  For faster growers, It seems the overwhelming bulk of the improvement is seen at about the 6 month mark.  I'm at the 5 month mark come Sunday and would be shocked if I saw significant improvement past about a month from now.  It certainly seems that probably 90% or more of my progress will likely be achieved by the seven month mark at this rate.  

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