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Pre & Post FUE treatment (medicines, shampoos, needling, etc.)

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Hello there,


I coulnd't find a big guide topic with all these information gathered in one place, so I started a new one.


I'd like to know (from your experience) what is the best to take before and after FUE to get the best results? I'm planning a surgery in couple of months, I'm taking Finasteride (~0,33 mg) and Minoxidil (5%) for about 5 months, but I started to think about some other things as well:

- Micro needling (I'll make a seperate topic regarding that)

- Shampoo (I'm using just some random one right now)

- Other medicines / supplements?


Is my Fin and Mino enough (or just Fin) to increase results of my transplantation or do you propose to include something else as mentioned above?

What about using this stuff after FUE? I'll surely get some information after the surgery but I appraciate some of your experience as well.


Have a nice day!

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