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Seeking advice for first HT. Dr Turan or Bicer

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Hello all,

I'm new to this forum and this is my first time posting anywhere after spending hours upon hours scrolling through reddit and the likes. I'm seeking a transplant at the age of 29. I'm sick of this curse. I've been balding since I was 17 years old and have only ever been on minoxidil, I'm currently on 15% topical solution and have been for the past while. I'm not religious with it anymore, it's honestly just used every couple nights. Fin is not an option for me. I constantly wear hats and I'm at the point now I want to do something about it. I feel like the minoxidil has fairly slowed it down through most of my twenties, I feel like the constant hat wearing is really damaging. I think my hair loss has somewhat stabilized as I hardly find any hairs on my pillow etc, I could be wrong though. 

I'm considering Fuecapilar with Dr Turan or potentially with Dr Bicer. They both seem to have good results.

I was wondering if anyone had any input with my hair type and if either doctor would be better suited, I've always had really really fine hair. Also if it would be wise to just focus on the front area and save my crown for another transplant down the line? I Would calling myself a norwood 4 be correct? I'll attach pictures down below, the last image is before I had my last hair cut. Does my donor area look okay?

I'm from Scotland and I'm emigrating to Canada in April next year and I'd really like to get something organized, I've put this off for too long and now I feel like I won't be able to get booked in before I leave.  Hasson & Wong would be amazing but unfortunately I don't have an endless pot of gold.      

Has anyone experience with either and could recommend? I've sent Fuecapilar a whatsapp but I haven't heard anything back. Sent on Friday. I really just want to get something organised but I've been too scared to pull the trigger for months and feel like I'm running out of time and I'm aware this isn't something to rush.

Many thanks in advance for any feedback folks! 



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