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Are scarring, discoloration, bumpy texture etc always going to get better with time?

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Wondering if the after effects of a hair transplant, specifically the effects on skin, (mine is a moustache hair transplant) are only going to subside with time. I read somewhere that once the hair growth starts at 3 month mark, bumps are gonna come back and may end up becoming permanent, is that true? And they are chances of catching folliculitis when that happens?

I was promised skin getting back to normal in few months after the surgery by the doctor, but the more I read online, the more worried I get about what's going to happen to the transplanted area.


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40 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

It is true and it has been my own personal experience that scars. discoloration and texture do improve over time. However they will never disappear but over the years they do continually improve, albiet, subtly. All the best!

I'm actually happy with the way I'm healing, bumps are almost gone and the discoloration too, I'm 6 weeks in (very very unhappy and angry about the hairline on the moustache, I may laser/electrolyze/FUE out the unwanted hair in few months, I'm sticking to wet shaving off those small areas for now).

But I'm sorta worried that bumps are going to come back when the hair actually starts to grow..

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2 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

How long ago did you have surgery? I wouldn't be doing anything surgical for at least 12 months.

Been 6 weeks now. Not going to do anything surgical now, will stick to wet shaving the areas with unwanted hair.

I don't have many bumps now, probably because I think I'm in the shedding phase now. My only worry is that bigger and more permanent bumps are going to come back when the hair actually starts to grow.. does it actually happen?

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  • Regular Member
20 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

Ok. At six weeks things could really settle down and everything is still healing. Keep us updated and be sure to discuss this with your doctor who performed the surgery. All the best!

Thanks for responding, making me feel better. Sorry for pestering you with my questions, things do seem to be settling down. But please tell me you don't mean things would settle down now at this stage but they'd get worse later haha

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