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Should I have a second PRP session [post-op]?

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I had a first prp session 3 months post-op, and I am now considering doing a second one at ~6 months post-op, but I am not sure if I should postpone it, or if I have to do it at all.

Do prps affect hair graft survival, apart from speeding up the process and potentially bringing your hair at the healthiest and most voluminous state?

If graft survival and the overall is affected by prps, then I will go ahead and do another one, but if it does not matter much then I can wait and think about it a bit more

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5 minutes ago, GHTJourneya said:

I had a first prp session 3 months post-op, and I am now considering doing a second one at ~6 months post-op, but I am not sure if I should postpone it, or if I have to do it at all.

Do prps affect hair graft survival, apart from speeding up the process and potentially bringing your hair at the healthiest and most voluminous state?

If graft survival and the overall is affected by prps, then I will go ahead and do another one, but if it does not matter much then I can wait and think about it a bit more

It does not matter whether you go for a PRP or not. It does not really affect the results. However, if you do go for PRP then it has added benefits such as providing growth factors to the hair.

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I honestly of the opinion PRP is mostly hit or miss. It doesn't work in a lot of people. While there are few who benifit from it. PRP doesn't have enough scientific backing supporting as to whether it actually fastens the process of hair transplant. But as Eugenix mentioned it does help in providing necessary growth factors which definitely can improve the thickness of your existing hairs only if you respond to the treatment.

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