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Starting Fin before surgery?


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  • Regular Member

Hello all,

I have been reluctant to take Finasteride due to the possible side effects but after reading more about it it seems worth it to try it out. I do have surgery booked with Dr Bicer end of August this year. So my question is if it is advisable to get on Fin now less then 2.5 months before the surgery?

My other option that I'm thinking off is to push back the surgery to at least 6 months later and get on Fin+Minoxdil now to stablize my hairloss and see how much I can retain/regrow and then get the surgery.

What do you guys think?


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It is VERY advisable to start the medical regimen ASAP. The sooner you start, the sooner you can halt the loss. It typically takes 12months to see what the meds will accomplish. You could wait to do the transplants, but they also take 12months to mature, so now you are two years into the process.  That's why most patients will do both at the same time. A year later you'll be fuller in the front because if the transplants, and fuller in the back because of the meds.

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Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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You have very agressive genetic hairloss. 

Get on Finasteride/Dutasteride immediately. Don't you wait. 

You are already a Norwood 5 and you will require several surgeries. 

You seem to have a solid donor though. 

Side effects are overhyped. These drugs actually sligthly RAISE your testosterone...Do your research of course and talk to your doctor. 

This is the only way to save your existing hair and slow down hairloss significantly. 

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Surgery is always a last resort and medication is there to see how well you may respond to it's benefits. The other thing about medication is that 'if' finasteride is going to be part of your hair restoration over the lifespan coupled with surgery, then you need to know if you can tolerate it? I would be trialing finasteride for a good year before surgery. Same with minoxidil (if this drug were to be considered). Dr Bicer is an excellent surgeon and my only pic in Turkey. You never read or hear of her being big on finasteride as say Eugenix are. However if you are make a life altering decision with surgery then you need to work out what medication can and can't do for you after giving it a fair trial. Remember you can always have a transplant 'tomorrow.' All the best!

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  • Regular Member

Thank you all for your replies. I will start taking Finasteride as soon as I can. I've done enough research/reading to have an idea on what to expect.

I am still unsure however, if I should proceed with the surgery as planned (2.5 months from now) or if I should push it back to wait for the effects of the medication? I've been wanting to do the surgery for a good while already so pushing it back further would be disappointing to say the least.

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