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Confusions on the Timeline for Graft integration? 7 days? 14 days? Is it wise to wash hair after 7 days post HT?


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Hi everyone, 

I am  exactly a week out from my HT at Eugenix, and the clinic has advised me to do my first head wash of the recipient(transplanted) area today. 

From my reading online, it says it takes between 7-14 days for grafts to be fully integrated in the scalp. Is it safe to begin a hair wash only 7 days out, with gentle message for removal of the scabs? Will I remove grafts this way? Does the shampoo used matter? Or should i wait until longer to physically touch the grafts?

What is the reason behind removing the scabs? Traditionally we are taught not to remove scabs prematurely and to let them fall off on their own, why is it for HT we want to remove the scabs? is it merely for comfort or does it result in a better result? 

Also should I continue to sleep upright beyond the 7 day period to 14 days to allow for full graft integration, or is 7 days enough to return to sleeping on the stomach/back? 

Would appreciate those who have been though the experiences thoughts on the matter.


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3 hours ago, 12345 said:

Hi everyone, 

I am  exactly a week out from my HT at Eugenix, and the clinic has advised me to do my first head wash of the recipient(transplanted) area today. 

From my reading online, it says it takes between 7-14 days for grafts to be fully integrated in the scalp. Is it safe to begin a hair wash only 7 days out, with gentle message for removal of the scabs? Will I remove grafts this way? Does the shampoo used matter? Or should i wait until longer to physically touch the grafts?

What is the reason behind removing the scabs? Traditionally we are taught not to remove scabs prematurely and to let them fall off on their own, why is it for HT we want to remove the scabs? is it merely for comfort or does it result in a better result? 

Also should I continue to sleep upright beyond the 7 day period to 14 days to allow for full graft integration, or is 7 days enough to return to sleeping on the stomach/back? 

Would appreciate those who have been though the experiences thoughts on the matter.


Is it safe to begin a hair wash only 7 days out, with gentle message for removal of the scabs?

- it is safe to wash your hair today.


Will I remove grafts this way?

- no you will not.


Does the shampoo used matter?

- you can use any mild shampoo.


Or should i wait until longer to physically touch the grafts?

- please have your first headwash today.


What is the reason behind removing the scabs? Traditionally we are taught not to remove scabs prematurely and to let them fall off on their own, why is it for HT we want to remove the scabs? is it merely for comfort or does it result in a better result? 

- it is better to have your head washed and the scabs removed. The scabs may not come off immediately and may require a couple of washes to completely come off.


Also should I continue to sleep upright beyond the 7 day period to 14 days to allow for full graft integration, or is 7 days enough to return to sleeping on the stomach/back? 

- you can sleep normally from today onwards.

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Honestly at day 7 if you pull a scab with a graft attached to it during headwash,  you can still remove the follicle be careful. I would be very careful. 

I would wait until the 14-15th day before attempting any scab removal at all and I would try to sleep in a position so that your recipient area does not touch the pillow. 


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I had a HT last week and my doctor (very reputable, you know the name) said grafts are basically secure by 18 hours post op, and 100% locked in tight by Day 3. 

He also added that by Day 3 I can sleep however I want, wear a hat, etc. 

My own theory is that most doctors also agree grafts are locked in tight by Day 3. But out of an extreme abundance of caution and liability reasons they extend that to saying 10 days till its secure, etc. 

I think this is to prevent guys from doing really stupid behavior. Like swimming in the ocean, playing football, bleaching hair right away, etc. Essentially things that may not knock out the grafts after Day 3, but could still cause havoc for the HT, potentially cause infection, etc.

But regardless of what the actual science is......you absolutely should follow the timeline set out by your own clinic. 

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Scab exist to protect the healing wound underneath, and so i suppose by day 7, a film/layer would form already and its safe to open the scab as long as it doesn't tear you a new wound (that means the scab is still very connected to the tissue underneath). 

I'm no doctor, but with HT, the wound is immediately closed with the graft, i think by then the graft have fully integrated to the surrounding tissue, and the top layer (scab) is either blood and or the lingering tissue that exist above your scalp surface. So if they have become scabs or is peeling apart, it means that it's dead cells already. 

Like that, it shouldnt be detromental, if anything benifical to us as many wound actually heals better when exposed (same reason wounds cannot be airtight bar to special condition).

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