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Thoughts on # of Grafts Needed and FUT vs FUE

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Hey all, just curious what you folks think about # of grafts needed to cover crown and restore hairline (Pics below). I've had one tele-consult so far and was quoted 1800-2000 grafts for the crown and 1200 for the hairline for a total of 3000-3200 grafts. 

Also, any thoughts on whether FUT or FUE is better in my specific case? I've done research on both but it's hard to find which option seems best as it is specific to the context?

Final question: Does anyone know Dr. Naders price per graft? He is close to where I currently am so I'm hoping to book with him.






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8 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

One more showing back of head. I have very thick hair (In the areas it still exists) in the donor area so hoping this will help me. image.jpeg.a7f3e4c069495464cce6a2f5e87a6bfe.jpeg

Are you doing any type of medical therapy to help you with retention? You seem well demarcated, so I am guessing you are doing something.

Well receded corners, I gather you want to address that.  Based on the photos it seems you have donor availability.  The problem is, if you've shown the propensity to lose, you will continue losing.  How much? Who knows?  At times I wish I had a hair crystal ball.  Is there family history?

There is something to be said about the way people lose hair.  Hair in the front grows forward.  Hair in the mid-scalp grows forward and shingles.  This is why the front and top always look fuller.  But in the crown, we all share the whirl. It is the point from which the hair stems and grows outward from there.  Thus, if you draw a dot on the piece of paper, and draw an intersecting cross, (imagine that's the result of procedure 1).  Turn the paper ever so slightly and draw another cross.  How many crosses would you need to draw to fill the area? The crown is a sphere and can eat your donor.  Eventually, if you ever lose the front, you'll be asking "why did you put all my donor in the crown? When people look at me from the front, I still look bald."  Because of the fact it is the front you see when looking at yourself in the mirror, pls put more value to that area. So, when is the right time to do a crown? When you're happy with the front and you confirm the meds are working. 

Just one more point.  Think of the crown as a circle.  You fill the circle with hair.  Because you've lost, you'll keep losing.  You go on to lose all the hair around the circle of hair.  You've left with a target - which will not look natural as no one loses the hair that way.  We call this chasing the pattern.  Eventually you have to keep using donor to natural.

Finasteride, Rogaine, PRP and Laser are the modalities we refer to when dealing with this condition.  Perhaps you should do all of them and see what happens in the crown.  Transplant the front.  A year later, based on the outcome you can decide if continuing the meds is worth the time and money spent.  

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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2 minutes ago, LaserCaps said:

Are you doing any type of medical therapy to help you with retention? You seem well demarcated, so I am guessing you are doing something.

Well receded corners, I gather you want to address that.  Based on the photos it seems you have donor availability.  The problem is, if you've shown the propensity to lose, you will continue losing.  How much? Who knows?  At times I wish I had a hair crystal ball.  Is there family history?

There is something to be said about the way people lose hair.  Hair in the front grows forward.  Hair in the mid-scalp grows forward and shingles.  This is why the front and top always look fuller.  But in the crown, we all share the whirl. It is the point from which the hair stems and grows outward from there.  Thus, if you draw a dot on the piece of paper, and draw an intersecting cross, (imagine that's the result of procedure 1).  Turn the paper ever so slightly and draw another cross.  How many crosses would you need to draw to fill the area? The crown is a sphere and can eat your donor.  Eventually, if you ever lose the front, you'll be asking "why did you put all my donor in the crown? When people look at me from the front, I still look bald."  Because of the fact it is the front you see when looking at yourself in the mirror, pls put more value to that area. So, when is the right time to do a crown? When you're happy with the front and you confirm the meds are working. 

Just one more point.  Think of the crown as a circle.  You fill the circle with hair.  Because you've lost, you'll keep losing.  You go on to lose all the hair around the circle of hair.  You've left with a target - which will not look natural as no one loses the hair that way.  We call this chasing the pattern.  Eventually you have to keep using donor to natural.

Finasteride, Rogaine, PRP and Laser are the modalities we refer to when dealing with this condition.  Perhaps you should do all of them and see what happens in the crown.  Transplant the front.  A year later, based on the outcome you can decide if continuing the meds is worth the time and money spent.  

Thanks for the reply. I'm currently not doing anything to help with retention other than using Ketocanozale shampoo once a week and taking biotin daily. I am considering starting laser therapy with one of those hats but I have't yet. I'm not interested in Fin due to the potential side effects and don't like Minox because it doesn't seem super effective and I don't like the idea of putting it in every day. 

It is definitely pretty demarcated but I'm starting to thin in the area between the crown and the hairline. Still not super visible, and seems to not be shedding that much now compared to a few months ago when I was highly stressed. 

Just to confirm, you're basically saying don't do anything with the crown and just focus on hairline for now? I would kind of like to do both at once, my hair loss doesn't seem to happen fast. I started losing at around 25 and this is where I am today.


Thanks again for ur thoughts 

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3 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

Also, based on your name you seem to be a fan of the laser hats? Do they seem to work fairly well I had never heard of them until recently. Any particular one you recommend? 

Finish your front.  Can't go wrong with hair in that area, it will always serve you well.

LaserCap.  Model 224.  This is by prescription only and carries a lifetime warranty.

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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