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HT in Michigan

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Ive been on the forums for a bit and finally decided to make an account and hopefully take the plunge for HT

I was hoping for some advice on a surgeon. Ive looked into Dr. Mark Berkowitz and haven't found much on the forums. Posts from 2014 felt he was new to the game, but at this point he has been around for a while and has a lot of examples posted, im just not sure if they are good or not. 

Otherwise I've considered Dr. Martin Maag in florida, he seems new to the field but he has a tech doing the procedures who has apparently been around for longer. 

Based on advice from this forum I am definitely considering Dr. Konior and Dr. Nadimi. I just don't know if they work well with my work/vaca schedule. 

If you guys have any thoughts, especially on Dr. Berkowitz (Michigan Hair Restoration) and Dr. Maag (honest hair restoration), I would greatly appreciate it! Really nervous to take the plunge 

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1 minute ago, J.A.C said:

Don’t take any risks with these much lesser known guys, Dr Konior & Dr Nadimi are fantastic choices. If you haven’t seen it already check out the following:


Appreciate the response. Yes that map is really helpful, ill look into more of the physicians on there. Its really just my work schedule that's causing trouble. Don't really get flexibility on time off and I really wanted to have at least two weeks before going back into work. 


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Hey took your advice, got contact with Dr. Yaman and Dr. Pekiner.  (Drs Konior and Nadimi are out of my price range)

Yaman recommended 4000 grafts, all from the back of the head in one day. Also he is way cheaper ($3250 all inclusive)

Pekiner recommended 3800 grafts, back of head and beard done over 3 days. And is more expensive. ($10,000 not including hotel)

It surprises me how different the two plan to carry out the same procedure with the same number of grafts. Also both of them and Nadimi recommended more grafts than the less known physicians I was looking into.

I guess im wondering if there is a difference in the end result, both seem to be highly rated here.


Thanks for all the help!

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Stay away from Dr. Berkowitz, his work is so bad that a certain NFL punter who use to play for the Lions is stuck wearing a headband every where he goes, don’t chance your emotional life with anyone who isn’t highly regarded! 

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  • Senior Member
19 minutes ago, Chetman2112 said:

Stay away from Dr. Berkowitz, his work is so bad that a certain NFL punter who use to play for the Lions is stuck wearing a headband every where he goes, don’t chance your emotional life with anyone who isn’t highly regarded! 

Sam Martin? He’s still on Berkowitz’s website.

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  • Senior Member

Stay away from Dr. Berkowitz, his work is so bad that a certain NFL punter who use to play for the Lions is stuck wearing a headband every where he goes, don’t chance your emotional life with anyone who isn’t highly regarded! 

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Please keep in mind that everything I’m about to say is not particular one doctor or another. For example I’m not familiar with  Dr. Berkowitz nor his work.   But generally speaking, it is far better to select a surgeon based on skill, experience and a proven track record of producing consistent outstanding results.  In order to do this, you’ll need to be able to find third-party information about a doctor/clinic that’s not directly coming from the clinic or surgeon themselves. Any doctor or clinic can and often do tout themselves as amongst the best. But we all know that can’t be true.

Hair restoration forum communities such as the Hair Transplant Network enables patients to share genuine experiences and results which in essence holds doctors and clinics accountable.  Those producing ongoing excellent results appreciate this because they’re performing state of the art hair restoration surgery and it gives those potentially interested in them a chance to see how good they are. On the other hand, those who have never bothered to continue evolving and advancing their procedure are  less enthusiastic about it.

Furthermore, some patient driven hair transplant websites such as this one actually prescreen and recommend doctors based on a set of high standards which I believe is a good starting point for men and women considering hair transplantation.  While websites like these aren’t necessarily an exclusive list of all the best surgeons in the world, the ones that are recommended have proven to meet the websites demanding criteria to become recommended.  Moreover those surgeons who’ve made it to the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians have proven to met even more rigorous criteria.  

Therefore, I always tell people to start by researching Coalition surgeons on this forum and then narrow down the selection based on their own research and their own eyes.

For example, you may take a look at results posted by 10 different clinics and results posted by their patients and out of the 10, you may be impressed with three of them the most. I always tell people to try to narrow their selection down to 3 to 5 surgeons and then begin the consultation process.

I also always tell people that while it’s convenient to go to a local surgeon, especially one that keeps their prices down, to be sure to consider price and location as a last criteria. In other words, narrow your selection down based on skill, experience and consistent results and then if necessary, use price and location as a last criteria. It is far better to travel and pay more for a surgeon who will do it right the first time then to end up in need of a repair procedure which will cost not only more money but you’ll end up using more limited donor hair.

So I hope the above information helps as you continue to research hair transplant doctors who are equipped to meet your hair restoration goals.

if I can provide you with any additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask publicly or send me a private message. 

Best Wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant

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Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • 8 months later...
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There are no suitable HT doctors in Michigan, actually in the world at large. I would say ~95% of all HT doctors are "not ideal". Trying to be respectful. 

I saw Dr. Panine in Chicago. There's Konior in Chicago too and there's the Shapiro group in Minnesota. I would say those are your best choices if you live in Michigan and don't want to travel too far. 

My first procedure was at Holt Hair Restoration in Grand Rapids and the results were unsatisfactory. 

FUE 2400 Grafts (2023) - Dr. Panine; Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic

FUT 1400 Grafts (2019) - Dr. Steven Paul Holt; Holt Hair Restoration/Bella

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