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FUT best for me? Need large graphs, fast surgery, minimal scaring, not exhaust donor area

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10 hours ago, John1991 said:

Cosmetically, the FUT procedure is a quicker "recovery" because of no visual change to the donor area (if your hair isn't short).    What particular part of the recovery is most important to you?  If you want to be physically active quickest, FUE is best.  A few extra weeks out of the gym shouldn't sway you to doing FUE if you think FUT is a better procedure results-wise, though.  

As far as the "if you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin" line, respectfully, that makes very little sense.  What about sunscreen?  Or moisturizer?  Or chapstick?  Or shampoos other than Nizoral?  It's a shampoo - I'd imagine you already use shampoo for your hair, what difference does using a kind that might actually help thicken your hair make? It simply doesn't seem logical to being willing to undergo a surgical procedure, but not use a different type of shampoo or apply a foam to your hair.

The quicker I am fully recovered (wound healing/bandage removed, no pain, proper sleep, gym etc) is certainly preferred.

According to the scientific method the skin is permeable (obviously not as much as other body parts: gums, digestive tract, eyes, anus etc.) Occasional use of shampoo, moisture, sunscreen etc is perfectly fine for most people depending on the ingredients, but they are not necessary. I dont use any of those products.



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