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Potential problem with getting on Propecia just before HT

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I mentioned on posts before that I first got on propecia from 1996-2001. It did a good job of restoring my crown hair but slowly lost its effectiveness. I finally stopped and noticed no difference so the drug had done all it could do.


However, I decided to restart again a couple of months ago just in case it might do some good to stave off potential surgical shockloss. But this time I started experiencing a pretty good shed from the medication which brings up an interesting point.


If the area you are going to have worked on experienced a heavy temporary shed or recession from the propecia, wouldn't that give a misleading idea to the doc on where to place the grafts?

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  • Senior Member

I mentioned on posts before that I first got on propecia from 1996-2001. It did a good job of restoring my crown hair but slowly lost its effectiveness. I finally stopped and noticed no difference so the drug had done all it could do.


However, I decided to restart again a couple of months ago just in case it might do some good to stave off potential surgical shockloss. But this time I started experiencing a pretty good shed from the medication which brings up an interesting point.


If the area you are going to have worked on experienced a heavy temporary shed or recession from the propecia, wouldn't that give a misleading idea to the doc on where to place the grafts?

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