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Hair loss 29 y/o advice

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Hi guys,

I've always been paranoid about losing my hair since I can remember.

I'm 29 and feel like recently my hair has started to recede and feels like it has got a lot thinner on the top which makes it really frustrating to style. 

I've tried getting a shorter haircut and that helps but after two weeks I get annoyed with it again and feel like I have to get it cut again just to stop getting frustrated by it.

I live in London and would be interested in getting a hair transplant but would rather wait until I'm 30-35 before doing so.

Does anyone have any clinics they would recommend in London? I always see Turkey is a popular hair restoration country but it is hard to find out on Google who are the reputable and who are less so in order to make an informed decision.

Any advice from anyone would be much appreciated!  


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  • Senior Member
44 minutes ago, hairbearbunch said:

Hi guys,

I've always been paranoid about losing my hair since I can remember.

I'm 29 and feel like recently my hair has started to recede and feels like it has got a lot thinner on the top which makes it really frustrating to style. 

I've tried getting a shorter haircut and that helps but after two weeks I get annoyed with it again and feel like I have to get it cut again just to stop getting frustrated by it.

I live in London and would be interested in getting a hair transplant but would rather wait until I'm 30-35 before doing so.

Does anyone have any clinics they would recommend in London? I always see Turkey is a popular hair restoration country but it is hard to find out on Google who are the reputable and who are less so in order to make an informed decision.

Any advice from anyone would be much appreciated!  


I think a lot of members feel the way you do about hair.  That's why we're here.  

I can understand hair styling.  If too long, it pulls away and makes the see-through more evident.  If too short, there is not enough hair to cover and now you can easily identify the pattern of loss.  There seems to be a length in which your hair shingles and looks fuller.  Ask the barber, perhaps he can help you.

So, you are going to wait a year to start doing something about it?

Most believe we start out with about 100,000 hairs.  You lose 50,000 and you still do not realize you've experienced loss.  Do you have family history of hair loss? I would start by visiting with a dermatologist and consider getting on some type of medical regimen to help you with retention of the native hair.  Propecia, Rogaine, PRP, Laser.  These are the modalities we typically refer to when dealing with this condition.

I am certain there are members here who can guide you.

I am curious, why do you want to wait?

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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  • Senior Member
3 hours ago, hairbearbunch said:

but would rather wait until I'm 30-35 before doing so.

I encourage you, and anyone really, to wait to get a HT until you feel comfortable. You will be wiser, (hopefully) have more money saved up, and doctors can more accurately determine your final hairloss pattern

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Could you share some photos??

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Patient Adviser to Dr. Taleb Barghouthi - approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with us here  or via WhatsApp at +962778837839 (Jordan) or +962798378396 (Jordan). 

Social media Instagram & Facebook : vertexhair



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