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still shedding some hair at 2 months and half months

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hi guys thanks for all help we got from this community it really helps

so im 2.5 months post fue and im seeing some good growth but i have 2 questions :

even tho im seeing some hair growing im still shedding a lil bit ???

and second question is one side is growing faster and thicker whats does that means

thanks again guys hope u have all a good day

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There are two types of loss, the one you see and the one you don't.  What you see in the comb, shower, sink, etc.....that's normal.  100 hairs a day is the norm.  (The follicle gets tired and goes into a dorman period. That hair will return in about 3-4 months).  

Go under a bright light and look at the hair in your corners, for example.  You'll notice some thick strands.  Nice robust hair.  You'll also notice finer strands and some so tiny you can't hardly see them.  We refer to this as miniaturization.  Eventually the hair withers away.  That's hair loss.  What you're experiencing is normal. 

I am surprised you are seeing significant results.  It typically takes 3-4 months for the hair to start coming in.  The hair will then start thickening up and it will take about 12-18 months to really mature.  Remember, it is the hair that came from the donor, (the best hair we all tend to have).  Let's wait the 12 months and re-post.  I would start taking photos so you can compare, otherwise you'll forget.

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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Some of the shedding could be some lingering shock loss and it’s not unusual to see one side recovering more than the other.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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16 hours ago, LaserCaps said:

There are two types of loss, the one you see and the one you don't.  What you see in the comb, shower, sink, etc.....that's normal.  100 hairs a day is the norm.  (The follicle gets tired and goes into a dorman period. That hair will return in about 3-4 months).  

Go under a bright light and look at the hair in your corners, for example.  You'll notice some thick strands.  Nice robust hair.  You'll also notice finer strands and some so tiny you can't hardly see them.  We refer to this as miniaturization.  Eventually the hair withers away.  That's hair loss.  What you're experiencing is normal. 

I am surprised you are seeing significant results.  It typically takes 3-4 months for the hair to start coming in.  The hair will then start thickening up and it will take about 12-18 months to really mature.  Remember, it is the hair that came from the donor, (the best hair we all tend to have).  Let's wait the 12 months and re-post.  I would start taking photos so you can compare, otherwise you'll forget.

thanks for clarification bro

what ive noticed is shedding is just transplanted hair not my native ones

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