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Corrective Hair Transplant scenario explained by Dr Pradeep Sethi

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Failure of the hair transplant surgery can occur due to technical failure by the surgical team or due to sloppy surgical methods. There are many clinics for hair transplantation but unfortunately, hair transplants done by an inexperienced surgeon leads to poor results, low self-esteem, patient dissatisfaction and depression.

Correcting these failed hair transplants is challenging because of the reduction in the donor area, bad hairline designs and previously done scarring. It can also be very traumatic for the patient.

What are the rescue options for Failed Hair Transplant?
There are certain ways to repair the failed hair transplant:
1. Body hair can be used to rescue patients with a depleted donor area.
2. FUT Scarring on the backside of the scalp can be concealed with the aid of scalp revision or scalp micro-pigmentation.
3. A bad frontal hairline can be totally redesigned by extracting the wrong grafts with the assistance of the FUE technique and relocation.

What are the cases where a Hair Transplant Repair is required?
1. Defective Hairline
2. Compromised Density
3. Wide Scar after FUT
4. Stretched Scar
5. Bushy Temples

Note: We will be updating this thread with result photos soon. 


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