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Propecia stopped working!


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I started using Propecia 5 years ago when I was 26. I may have been paranoid but I did see my thick wavy,curly hair stay in tact.


My brother and some clients (I'm a hair stylist) take Finasteride and have had excellent results. So i thought I could save the money and do the generic version of Propecia. This last one month and I noticed my hair thinning and shedding like crazy. This was in June of 2009.


I started back up on Propecia in July. I didn't notice too much shedding until late August and it hasn't slowed down or stopped. It's dramatically different from where my hair density and thickness was a year ago.


I have had my DHT levels and testosterone checked and they are extremely high. I'm EXTREMELY CONFUSED AND FRUSTRATED! How can Propecia work for all these years, then with the use of generic (coincidentally) it triggers it to not work at all and thin at a rapid pace I have never seen any of my clients thin at. I have also been wondering if I ordered counterfeit Propecia as I ordered on drugstore.com. It is VIPPS seal of approval, but is it still possible?


I plan on also doing Rogaine in addition to my Propecia use starting next week.


Can ANYONE suggest what is going on with my body? With the test results of the DHT/testosterone, the sudden failure of Propecia, I'm frustrated and thinking of a HT. Thoughts, experiences, and studies are much needed and appreciated!

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  • Senior Member

If your DHT is high the generic probably isnt what it says it is otherwise your DHT would be low I would presume!!!.Best to stay on propecia,you know what you are getting then.

HT 2006/7

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